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What Am I Doing Wrong to Not Attract Guys?

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You are cute, but you seem like you may spend way too much time being self-conscious which could be interrupting your natural flow with people. Said from someone who has done the same! What I would do is focus on meeting new people, finding new activities and enjoying yourself, not get hung up on the ones that don't "take." They usually don't take for a reason, and it's not a generalization like "I am unattractive," but more like "the chemistry is not there for both parties."

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Hi, fellow sci-fi geek here... Maybe you're coming off as desperate/low self esteem or on the other end, trying too hard and scaring the guy away. Or maybe these dudes were on the shy or clueless side. Did you ask them for their number or ask them out or are you waiting for them to make a move? You can ask them out too. And don't get hung up in whether or not a certain guy asks you out/responds to your fb request/etc... You gotta play the odds, not everybody will like you and physically you're not gonna be everybody's type, there's tons of guys who would dig you and tons of guys who wouldn't, know what I mean? You know, you were at a sci-fi con, that demographic ain't necessarily the best with girl interactions. Don't be so down on yourself and relax and act natural. You'll meet someone who digs you eventually. You're still young and you have had relationships so just be patient, what's the rush??

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Hi, fellow sci-fi geek here... Maybe you're coming off as desperate/low self esteem or on the other end, trying too hard and scaring the guy away.


^ That's my guess, based on this and another of your threads OP. Your posts start off reasonably enough but then disintegrate into a mini-hissy fit at not being able to attract men or not being attractive enough. You're carrying that low self-esteem around with you, you realize. And it can cause you to come off as unappealing regardless of looks. At the convention, if you started to feel unattractive and ignored, that attitude, that frustration, might have been seeping out without you realizing it.


That's partially why people often say loving yourself is important. Self-loathing becomes obvious. You really need to work on that.

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Sometimes guys will only talk to women if they are close to them. Also, some guys will only approach you if they feel like they've gotten a signal you're interested.


I don't see anything wrong with you in the scifi picture at all, but then again it isn't a big picture so I can't see your face very clearly. Also, you've got a hat on so I can't tell how your hairstyle looks.


I'm not going to request any photographs but if you would like me to comment more on it that's the only way to get a good idea of your attractiveness.


Also, if you're coming off as irritated or something that may make you unapproachable. If you want people to approach you maybe wave and smile at them. If a girl like you did that to me I'd walk over.

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