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getting over someone??!!


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i have recently had a really rough break up with my girlfriend. she didn't want me anymore. it hurts so much right now and i don't know what to do. it has left me feeling completly disoriented. how does one deal with situations like this. i have never been here before so i'm finding it tough to handle. all my friends tell me to put everything behind me and move on but its easier said than done......

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I know what you are going through. I have been there a number of times. You wonder what you could have done differently. You can't sleep at night. You can't eat. You start losing weight. You can't keep your mind on the things it needs to be on. You want so badly to call this person but you know that's wrong. Life seems to not be worth living. You know this is the person you should have been with forever and you don't think anyone else will ever do.


Take it from one who has been there many times. EVERY SINGLE TIME I have gotten through the pain and the hurt. Sometimes it takes longer than others. There is no pill or secret potion. You just have to take the time to go through it. After a week or two, it's still bad but you will begin to eat and sleep OK. Talk to your friends...but don't bend there ears too much. They will get tired of you saying the same things. Call telephone counselling lines, prayer lines, etc. for people to talk to. Write your feelings down in a journal. But do get things off your chest.


The GREAT news is that there is always a more wonderful love out there to find. Be patient with yourself, know you are not alone, know it may even happen again, but no matter how many times it happens...there is always a greater love ahead and it may even be THE REAL THING!!!


Hey, it's just the way it works...no way of getting around it.

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