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Just friends? Or have things changed?

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Hi, just wanna throw this out and see what u guys and gals think.


Ive been friends with a girl since i started university, and we get on well. Just recently i had a thing with her friend that didnt go well but was over quickly. During the roughness, she was there, and we chatted alot and got to know more and more about each other, including what we both want from relationships and partners.


Our wants and needs are very similar, and we seem to be what we both need.


I asked her out. But not as friends. She asked me not to go "funny" on her, so im trying not to. But we went out, and then went out again then next night and had a pretty darn romantic time. But being the perfect gent that i am, i didnt make a move. But damn i wanted to.


So now i dont know if i should say something. That im having a hard time not going "funny" on her. But i really dont know. I cant stop thinking about it, even though im trying to chill. Do i put things on hold? or get it out there?

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So now i dont know if i should say something. That im having a hard time not going "funny" on her.



Don't think do what's in your heart. If she does not go with the flow stop and respect her boundaries.

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If she said not to go, "FUNNY," on her then she probably just meant don't rush things or be all over her to fast. Maybe she wants to take it slow and just see what happenes. I would just let it be what it will be. Obviously she doesn't want to rush into deep feelings fast. If you do, maybe it will scare her away. That may be why she told you that. I would just talk to her and ask how she wants to go about you two dating..

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