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What To Do?


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My friend's wife set me up with a blind date with her friend. It was set up over a month ago and we all hooked up for a Labor Day BBQ at their house. She was real nice and very attractive. I felt the chemistry and they kept telling me she was digging me. Here's the problems. She lives two hours away which isn't that big of deal for me but I find out today she started dating someone a month ago after out mutual friend set us up. This guy is actually moving 4 hrs away in 2 weeks. I feel I did my part for my friends by meeting her and like I said felt some chemistry but I really don't want to get involved while she has just started to see someone evn though hhe's moving. We just left it that we would like to get together but should I let her make the move/call or should I call? I don't want to chase after someone if they are already involved but what if she is the one???? What would you do? Any advise would be appreciated.

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Go for it, dude. Your friends would have cancelled the deal with you and her if they thought this other situation was getting to a serious phase.


You need to call her, talk to her, and ask her out as if you knew nothing of this other situation. Leave it up to her to decide who she wants to be with and what she wants to do with her time and her heart.


Just don't let your emotions run wild about her until you know she's made some sort of decision about this other guy. I promise you, they have not been going out long enough for anything serious to be taking place...unless she is just real easy.


It sounds like you had some nice chemistry going with her and you should follow up on the situation. Play it by ear and if you feel things are shifting away from you and towards someone else, then back off.


Competition is great!!!

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Sounds like good advise. My friends didn't know either until they day after. So she knew and she could have cancelled so I guess there is some interest or she told them to put me off track? Her other situation must not be serious or she would have told them before I came over?

Go for it, dude. Your friends would have cancelled the deal with you and her if they thought this other situation was getting to a serious phase. You need to call her, talk to her, and ask her out as if you knew nothing of this other situation. Leave it up to her to decide who she wants to be with and what she wants to do with her time and her heart. Just don't let your emotions run wild about her until you know she's made some sort of decision about this other guy. I promise you, they have not been going out long enough for anything serious to be taking place...unless she is just real easy.


It sounds like you had some nice chemistry going with her and you should follow up on the situation. Play it by ear and if you feel things are shifting away from you and towards someone else, then back off. Competition is great!!!

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