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Does providing for someone make it okay to emotionally abuse them in any way?


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My stepmother/second cousin (my dad married his cousin, don't judge me) has been emotionally abusive from time to time. She threatens to leave and cut off our resources (electricity, water, heat and air, ect.), and she makes me feel guilty for calling her out on being irrational and immature by telling me that she works everyday and provides for us. My dad has also done the same thing on some of the times I've called him out for being irrational and acting immature. I have contemplated suicide out of guilt many times So I want to know, if someone is providing for another, does the person have the right to abuse them in any way?

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abuse is NEVER justified, I don't care what's the motive behind it. Wrong is wrong is wrong. That said, I'm wondering if your dad and his wife don't resort to this kind of behavior because it's all they know? And therefore are stuck in a rut, so to speak?


My dad has also done the same thing on some of the times I've called him out for being irrational and acting immature. what has his response been? Does he straighten up and start acting decently toward you? (My dad used to something similar, but we later figured out it was because he was insecure & that if you called him on it, he actually behaved himself. Kinda like "If they won't pay attention to me, I'll be bad, so they'll *have* to pay attention," the way a kid does) ...


don't let someone else's bad behavior dictate your life to such a degree that you're thinking of such a final action like suicide to solve the situation. They aren't worth it, no matter how much you love them. If anything, put your foot down and tell them that you're not having it, that they can do it amongst themselves but you expect them to grow the eff up when they're with you. God forgive me, but I used to tell my dad that if I died on the road that day, my last memory would be of him and my mom carrying on, and did he *really* want that on his soul? It was kind of meant to be funny, but to also let them know that their childish behavior was upsetting. You're allowed to tell them "NO MORE," because you have every right to live peaceably & not listen to the stuff they're pulling on each other, no matter HOW young you are!


good luck, my friend, and remember: Your life is worth much, much more than someone's bad behavior ...

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