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I don't understand him, at all...

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I'm so angry with him, and I'm trying my best to keep my cool and not pick up the phone...


Here's the back story:


Back in November I started spending a bit of time with him. Turns out, he was interested in more than just friendship. I'm not too keen on dating, but I went along with it. I will admit, I didn't show many feelings as this territory was one I was treading with caution around. Well, come NYE we had a bit of a falling out. I was to meet him out, and come 11:30 I called him and told him I was going to stay in. I understand he was upset, but I didn't hide it, I was honest with him. Well, 15 phone calls later (yes, roughly that) I couldn't take it. We didn't speak for the next week.


During that week, I had time to reflect and I felt badly about what transpired between us. I called him and we spoke. I'm not big on conflict and discussing tough topics, but I did. During that time he commented on how I wasn't too interested in discussing the tough topics.


Well, we started dating again and it just wasn't working. He was absent (to say the least) Things eventually ended, and they didn't end well. He ended it via text message while I'm sitting in an airport in another country after my vacation. He wouldn't text me or call me back. I was furious! For someone who preached about how he wanted me to show feelings, etc. He certainly was a hypocrite.


Well... fast forward about six months to last Friday. We haven't spoke with one another since mid-January. He has a friend I needed to get in contact withs, so I politely text him asking for his friends name and the name of the dealership he works for. He text me back saying how he was just thinking about me, etc. I didn't respond to it and thanked him for his friends info. He then asked me to meet for a drink. Against my better judgement, I went to meet him.


I just wanted to have a nice night. He looks at me and asks if we could talk about what happened. I politely said I would rather not since it was six months ago and I didn't receive a call then about it, so basically what difference does it make now? He then proceeded to guilt me into it by saying I never want to talk about things... so, we talked about it. He said he felt terrible about how things happened and how he never wanted it to happen that way. He said feelings don't just go away and how he still likes me and cares. How he wants to spend time together and see what happens.


Well... here I am, a little more than one week later... and I have not heard from him. I'm furious. It's been SIX MONTHS! I didn't want nor did I need to discuss it. It no longer made a difference in my life. I do NOT understand at ALL what the eff is going on!


I want to call him and just yell at him.

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