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Love Triangle

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Love Triangle,



Well my first relationship I have ever had was an awful one and, a bad one verbal abusive one has finally over since Jan. My ex and I are starting to talk again but, he told me friends with benefits only if I was okay with it. I thought about it and, told him yes after the crap and he** I went through with my first relationship I am actually scared anyway to be dating again and relationship. What is your guy’s opinion about Friends with benefits do they ever turn into a “possible relationship?” We went out before and 3 months and, I wouldn’t give it up because I wanted love and marriage first and my first actual relationship of 3 years ended and was lied and manipulated through it all… I think my ex the cowboy of 3 months fell apart and drifted until now was because, I wouldn’t give it up.


Well he’s on a trip for work for 3 weeks my ex the cowboy “supposedly” and, didn’t have “phone service” couldn’t get a hold of me until Sunday. I had to explain to him that I live with old people and, that I can’t leave late at night but, can stay out late. Now that my ex the cowboy of 3 months was actually upfront and honest with me I was happy about it not played games like my first Actual relationship I ever had. My first actual relationship of 3 years lied and played me and manipulated my ex the cowboy of 3 months was upfront about “Friends with benefits”… But we been playing "phone tag" and, finally got to talk Sunday about why I can’t leave late at night. So I have been getting things ready for when I do eventually see him meaning taking care of myself looking pretty and so forth…

I am excited to see him again and, he did tell me he meant all those things he said when we were dating that I took his breath away etc. He did sent this one text and called me Saturday night at 1am I am little confused scared a little too why I stayed pretending asleep I responded 20 min later saying I was asleep when I wasn’t. I only responded by his text “I am waiting for you still you still love me YOU WILL COME UP”… Now IF it was “Friends with benefits” then why is it he is using the word love? I am totally confused does this mean he has feelings for me still? I was honest and up front telling him I live with old people and can’t leave late since he was honest and upfront about his “Friends with Benefits” but, I can stay out late I told him that I got him finally got a hold or, “responded” Sunday.



Also he told me he is SINGLE unless he is lying but, I am not sure and confused on what to think right now since he used the word “LOVE” on text when he said “Friends with Benefits”. I have thought about him constantly when my first relationship and the one I was with for 3 years started to fall apart and getting messed up also him being mean my 3 year relationship… Since my ex the cowboy of 3 months does this mean since he said those words on text that he still has feelings for me still? Does “Friends with Benefits turn into a possible relationship?" The only reason I am considering is because, I am scared to ever be in a relationship again after what happened with my first REAL relationship of 3 years…

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When a man tells you he wants "friends with benefits", this means, exactly: I want to have sex with you and never have to be accountable to you for what I do, including other women. They rarely (if ever) turn into relationships... all they want is SEX. The sooner you understand this, the sooner you can make a decision as to whether this is something you want.


If he uses the word love it's not because he is in love. He's probably just throwing it around to manipulate your feelings, so that you will be willing to continue this arrangement which only benefits HIM.


It's quite simple. If a man loves you and wants to be with you, he WILL be with you. He won't ask you for you to be his f-buddy. He will respect you enough to be your boyfriend, with all the drawbacks and benefits of it.

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Thank you for the advice but, my ex the cowboy and I talked forever last night. We were talking and were more up front with each other since I was with him too finally I told him I didn't want guys getting the wrong impression of me and not sure about the friends with benefits and, don't want a relationship because, of the He** I went through with my first actual relationship. We were both upfront with each other and, he said he just doesn't want to jump into a relationship if he knew what I was talking about. I told him I don't either with what I been put through a verbal abusive relationship and scared of getting hurt again. He even calls me beautiful something the relationship I just got out of in Jan never has called me. I am amazed that we have been both upfront with each other he is going away this weekend doing some fishing I believe is what he said or, something. I think the plans are to meet next weekend and, I guess will hang out for a while and, see how things go. We both know what we want and we both right now don't want a relationship his is different from mine and, we plan to go fishing next week too. I told him if he wasn't leaving this week I could see him but, I know next week would be better I have been doing my daily routine washing face at night and keeping my lips smooth with lip gloss shaving constantly I have been getting ready for when I do see my ex the cowboy. I am pretty sure and hoping it will eventually be a relationship but, I don't want one right now. I guess we will see how things go for now since we have Both been upfront with each other.

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Okay, well the meeting up part is getting a little confusing now. We keep saying we want each other my ex-the cowboy and want to meet each other. I drive up half way to meet him Saturday night and, he said to call him when I get to this one point on the freeway since I have no idea where I am going. Your ya'll gonna probably shoot me for this he got off work really late and, it was about 1am when he called. Now I would NOT have gone if we weren't gonna go fishing the whole day but, I went and I get there and he doesn't pick up his phone. I am totally confused by my-ex the cowboy which was why we kind of split up in the first place by him doing this he just never responded back and I moved on. But if he Really wanted friends with benefits and, Really wanted "you know what" not sure if I can say the actual word on the forums. Well I can only maintain the few reasons he didn't pick up his phone One he's confused just as much as I am but, we have been up front with each other the whole time until now. TWO his phone died and no reception service cause of where he was at. THREE he fell asleep since it was really late but he hasn't called back at all... I am totally confused by his actions I really want him bad and, I have been going crazy I have finally gave up trying to contact him I sent him 3 texts and called him 10 times because, I was gonna get lost to where I was gonna meet him. Well I turned around and went home which was about 3 am when I turned around and, it was an hour drive back home to where he was from. I told him on text that sorry but, you didn't pick up and I am going home that I will wait until he gets back home from his job. I haven't heard since... But left him alone I am not sure at this point what to think since I wash halfway meeting him out there then he doesn't pick up he even told me how to get there and to call him when I got there and he doesn't pick up?!? I also got scared because, I think I ran over a snake that flew out on in the road I started shaking after the snake and went home. I think that he is being weird haven't heard from him since now keep in mind I would NOT have gone up if we weren't going to go Fishing the whole day. Now I am just confused on why he didn't pick up when I got there? What should I do if he does happen to finally get in touch with me? I told him I would wait like I said until he gets back from his work... CONFUSED and it's driving me CRAZY!!! I am in fact going clubbing this week so, that will take my mind off of things until I understand what's going on he hasn't called yet, and I don't know if I will hear from him because he hasn't even called yet... Which is having me think his phone died probably I don't know what to think right now when I finally agreed to meet him late because we were gonna go fishing. Can I get advice on why he didn't pick up? I am just glad I made the decision not to wait and head straight on home...

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