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survey from pregnant girl, please respond, i'm desperate!


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i'm ninteen and very attractive, or so i'm always told. i stay at home most of the time cause i'm always tired and or restless. my question is, what do guys think of girls that are pregnant? do they want to ask them out but are afraid of getting "stuck" with someone else's kid? do they ask them out in hopes of sex and not having to worry about getting her pregnant? when i have been out, i haven't found any guys interested in me, only as a friend. before i got pregnant i never really had the problem, but now it seems to be a problem and i was just wondering why. does it just turn guys off or what? thank you erin...........

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I sort of discussed this under your previous post.


Becomming pregnant creates a whole new and dramatic change for you and for your social picture. All of your thoughts are correct, to some extent and for some guys. You are 19 and most guys your age just don't know how to handle a mature subject such as pregnancy and child rearing. The vast majority of them are terrified by the responsibility that having a child represents.


Most guys your age are looking for a beautiful woman they can do many things with, show off to the world, and maybe get serious with. A pregnant girl is beautiful in a very unique way but she also represents a future event and circumstances that most guys just don't want to go through. You could be lucky and find exceptions.


Yes, it is a lot of crap because it is mostly these young guys that cause teenage pregnancies...the same guys that don't want to deal with their pregnant girlfriends or partners. I'm sure you understood this when you put yourself in the position of being able to get pregnant.


Teen pregnancy is difficult in many ways. Most larger towns have counselling and support groups for pregnant teens to help them deal with many of these issues, such as the one you post about, which suddenly confront them.


You'll be fine in the long run. But remember, your life will be changed forever with the birth of your child. You will no longer be looking for a mate for yourself but a responsible husband and a step father for your child.


You won't die without official dates for a while. Meantime, I hope you will consider the social alternatives I offered in my previous post.


Yes, before you got pregnant...you had not nearly the issues you face now. But you will be a better person for seeing the world and people from an entirely new perspective.

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well it must be awful to have to cut your dating life so short while your so young... its hard for a guy to ask out a girl whose pregnant... you LOOOK very taken... guys don't generally take a risk at rejection.... but from my experience it really seems that the HARDER you look for someone the less people there are when your babys born maybe you won't feel lonly at all and youll be pretty busy if you keep your good friends around you...when you pop that kid out and get your self looking like a teenager again the guys will come running... but take your time and find a guy thatll be great and won't care or feel burdened by you kids :)



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