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Do Women Value Marital Vow of Commitment More than the Commitment Itself?

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It seems to me that women value words more than action.


A man can commit himself to a woman for many many years and the woman will still feel the relationship is meaningless and doubt the man's commitment simply because he refuses to put his promise of commitment onto a piece of paper and sign it.


On the other hand, a woman seems to appreciate more a man who tells her what she wanna her and promise her a commitment from the get go through marriage even if its just words and the commitment turns out to be short lived.


In other words, its as if women are more content with a marriage that lasts only 5 years than a non-marital relationship that lasts 50 years.


When it comes to the issues of marriage and commitment, women seem to be inclined to miss the forest for the trees.

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Vows are not legally binding. Marriage 2.0 is a financial agreement. I hear what you are saying. Most women want both.

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Woman In Blue
On the other hand, a woman seems to appreciate more a man who tells her what she wanna her and promise her a commitment from the get go through marriage even if its just words and the commitment turns out to be short lived.

Your argument ASSUMES that all marriages go south, but all live-in relationships last eons and eons. Not quite the case.


I don't particularly care for a man who thinks I'm good enough to clean his house, do his laundry, scrub his toilet, cook his meals and sleep with him, but NOT good enough to make that paper commitment to. Nor would I have ever had a baby with anyone out of wedlock as I'm not a brood mare. That would have NEVER happened.


Your argument ALSO seems to forget that more and more women are now becoming the major breadwinners in alot of families. Gone are the days when it was always the man who stood to lose financially in a divorce. I know of quite a few women who took a financial beating from their husbands during their divorces over these last 10 years or so.


But if you want to go on believing that ONLY those who refuse to make the ultimate commitment are the ones who work the hardest at staying together, knock yourself out.

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I do understand why some value marriage but it also seems that some women want the validation of a wedding more than they want to work on the actual marriage after the wedding.

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make me believe

Well, of course there are some women out there who's main goal is to get married at pretty much any cost. I have a friend like that, and it's sad. But for most women, I think they value actions over words. Meaning that a man can tell you all day long that he's committed to you, but it sure as hell means a lot more when he backs up those words with an action -- getting married!

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A man can commit himself to a woman for many many years and the woman will still feel the relationship is meaningless and doubt the man's commitment simply because he refuses to put his promise of commitment onto a piece of paper and sign it.


I think it is much more simple than that, you are purposedly foiling their evil plot to marry you, cheat on you and leave with half of your assets. Everybody knows it's every girl's dream & goal - how dare you deprive them.

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