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Girlfriend going out drinking.

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No, there isn't, there really isn't.


It also doesn't matter how much you think you know your partner or if you trust them or not, that's only for your own benefit/comfort; it has no bearing on their actions once they're in a nightclub with their girlfriends intoxicated. They don't think to themselves 'I won't cheat because my husband/boyfriend trusts me' once a drunk male makes a move on her.


To be honest from what I've been told and what I've seen when women are released into a club with their friends on a GNO they're more akin to children or teenagers in a position of responsibility; very excited, very tempted to do bad things and often egg each other on. It's only after they've made the mistake do they actually think about the consequences (husband/boyfriend finding out etc).


hmmm...if your women is thinking " well I wont cheat because my H or bf trusts me" then you are in trouble!!! It is the morals and values of your SO that are supposed to guide her not whether or not you trust her. What I am saying is that this is really individual. My wife takes pride in her self, respects her self and has values ... which really is more important to her than sex or meeting guys etc... Might she cheat on me some day...who knows but it wont be in a club under the influence as she respects herself more than that.


On the other hand...is the club the best place to go out...no! I know that. The second I leave her side there are guys circling...its really funny!!! But gno doesnt have to be at a club!, Could be bar, home, resto etc... Just saying that just like guys enjoy hanging with their guy friends so do women...and it sounds like there are too many paranoid people around here!!!

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Ginger Beer
hmmm...if your women is thinking " well I wont cheat because my H or bf trusts me" then you are in trouble!!! It is the morals and values of your SO that are supposed to guide her not whether or not you trust her. What I am saying is that this is really individual. My wife takes pride in her self, respects her self and has values ... which really is more important to her than sex or meeting guys etc... Might she cheat on me some day...who knows but it wont be in a club under the influence as she respects herself more than that.


I agree but morals go out of the window when you're drunk and have peer pressure to contend with.


On the other hand...is the club the best place to go out...no! I know that. The second I leave her side there are guys circling...its really funny!!! But gno doesnt have to be at a club!, Could be bar, home, resto etc... Just saying that just like guys enjoy hanging with their guy friends so do women...and it sounds like there are too many paranoid people around here!!!


GNO at each other's houses are fine, it's the GNO at nightclubs I have the issue with. There is simply no need for a girl to go to a nightclub if she's in a relationship. No amount of 'I like to dance' or 'it doesn't matter as long as you trust each other' can change that.


Hanging around with friends? Fine. No issue there. Going to places to drink and be surrounded by the opposite sex on a dance floor where it's EXPECTED that men and women make moves on each other? No way.

Edited by Ginger Beer
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GNOs IMO are like, say, surviving a fall from great height - there are cases you'll make it fine afterwards, but don't count on it.

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