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after gallbladder removal

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Hi i have had my gallbladder removed due to having gallstone attacks, id had them 10 years and didnt know when having an attack i thought i was being a wimp even though i had to be taken to hospital by ambulance twice. Well they removed my gallbladder and its been 3 weeks since that happened. I had some fattening food last night and went to bed feeling fine. but i woke this morning with what felt like an attack. It hurt so much and i nearly had to get my bf to call an ambulance. I had the pain 2 hours then it went. My question is how can i still be having attacks when my gallbladder has been removed?

what could it be?

Please someone help im scared

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hey there,


I had my gall bladder removed almost a year ago now. I had the exact same thing happen to me and it was only temporary. It's usually the foods that will bring it on, so my guess is that the meal you ate before going to bed caused it. Don't worry, this will pass!


I still have some issues with spicy foods and stuff that's really high in fibre- two things I would never expect to bother me. You'll learn what foods bother you and to avoid them. Good luck!

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It's possible it was the fattening food you had.

Without a Gal Bladder your body can't store up any bile to be able to break down fatting foods eaten in quantity, it can only produce enough to break down less fattening foods.


It's also possible that you have a stone/blockage or even a leak from the sutures.. I would suggest that you call your DR and if the problem persists then go in and have some bloodwork done to see if there is a blockage.


I wouldn't just ignore any future symptoms at this point.. make sure you go see the DR if your attack like pain persists or even comes back anytime in the future

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