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I've been USED.

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So since the end of april i've been hooking up with this guy that i really like. He has told me that he really likes me too and is aways showing signs signs of it. My friends have told me that he's a really nice guy that would never take advantage of anyone because he is not that type of person to just hook up with anyone. He's even gotten mad at me because he feels like i've lied about kissing some one else.


I've met his closest friends and they have all told me that he's really into me too. So i've been liking him more and more, but i still am not ready for a relationship. However we've had unprotected sex once.


However, recently i've found out that he has been hooking up with someone else (a girl that i've just sorta became friends with) since the end of may (she told me). She doesn't know that i've ben hooking up with him either. I confronted him pissed off and he basically told me that it was messed up that i even found out at all and that he feels like he didn't have to tell me because we are not in a relationship.


My MAIN issue is that i feel like he could have told me. I'm not mad that he's been hooking up with someone else.... i'm just mad that he wasn't up front with me since he knew that i really liked him and that we've had unprotected sex.


I've never been used.....oh did i mention that he's my co-worker? What should i do?

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What should i do?

Well first I would go and get an STD check.

Then make sure you didn't get pregnant. I guess it's too late for the plan B so I hope you're on the pill?

Then learn from your mistakes, and don't let it happen again!

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