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deep infatuation :(

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dear guys..i think i have grown deeply infatuated w/ a guy, he likes me too but we arent in an official relationship yet. no sex or anything. but ..the desire is there.

oh my gosh, i havent been able to sleep properly in days. i try not to talk to him, on text or online, cause i dont want him to think im crazy. which i am. i think about him a lot and ive told my closest girl friends that i am going nuts.

see this guy is so freaking ideal for me.


everything about him, is what i want in a guy. i have utmost respect and admiration for him. its overwhelming and scares me to death.


hes hurt me before, cause he liked another girl deeply (this was back in 2008). turns out she was playing him and other guys. but ever since then, i have always been scared of wearing my heart on my sleeve like always did.


the other day i dropped the bomb..i said "i love you ____"


and he said "i love you (my name)"



omfg guys i havent slept for 2 days i am serious. i need a bath.

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on top of this i have started to stalk him ..

online though. but, its to extremes.:(

i dont know whats going on with me. i have had nothing to eat but cookies and water.

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on top of this i have started to stalk him ..

online though. but, its to extremes.:(

i dont know whats going on with me. i have had nothing to eat but cookies and water.


Enjoy it while it lasts... I remember this feeling...I'm sure it's some sort of chemical reaction in the brain, you do forget to eat...

as time goes on, you'll see he' just a guy, a great guy nontheless...

Just wondering, how does he feel about you?:)


I think that amazing euphoria you're experiencing is a singular thing... Been there, felt that... It was great...Won't tell you how mine turned out, live your life darling!:D

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