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My best friend, how can I tell her I care

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I've known my best friend for almost 10 years now, and recently, I've been having feelings for her, extemely strong feelings.


The problem is that even though she says she likes me and enjoys being around me, she seems really uncomfortable when I try to be romantic, and it's like she tries to just laugh it off instead of going with the "flow".


Is she really interested in me, and if she is, what can I do to show her how much I care?

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maybe she doesn't want to risk a great long-term friendship? Having a romance will make it hard to get that back if it doesn't work out?


If it were me an old friend liked guess I'd prefer it if he just said something like 'do you think we can be more than friends'...and if the answer was no he'd drop it and let our friendship be enough.

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Sounds to me like she "likes" you and "enjoys being with" you as a FRIEND and nothing more. You've probably been friends so long that she thinks of you more as a brother than boyfriend material. Your advances obviously make her uncomfortable, so I think you need to back off.

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Maybe she isn't really sure how to react since you have been friends for such a long time maybe she has feelings for you too and is just scared...like the other poster said just ask her if she felt you 2 could be more than friends and if she says no...no matter how hard to hear it then you should drop it and continue to be her buddy!

Or like the other poster said maybe she does just want to be friends but you'll never know until ya try! Good luck!

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i agree with what the other repliers said, but it also depends on teh individual.


maybe she may even like you that way...but when you get romantic she could think you are joking or soemthing, and isnt sure how to react.

maybe write her a letter or do soemthign so that it is clear :) good luck

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