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What is she thinking?!?

little confused

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little confused

Please bare with me on this I have never posted on a site like this before. Last year my girlfriend and I ended our 11 year relationship. A friend of mine wanted to set me up with one of his friends a few weeks after the break up which I knew wasn't a good idea due to the fact my emotions and feelings were all over the place but since I was feeling down it was nice to get attention from another person since the last few years of my relationship sucked! We went only on a few dates and she said she only wanted to be friends. We stopped talking for a long time and I would send her a text here and there. Now a year has gone by I texted her and she then asked if I wanted to grab some drinks. I was crazy for this girl from the first time I met her so of course I said yes! We spent several hours together really hitting it off! She had mentioned how much I have changed for the better since the last time we were together since I was so depressed then. I ended up having to drive her home due to all the alcohol she had. I stayed the night and in the morning we ended up fooling around and of course when it was over she said she didn't plan on this happening and either did I. I just don't know what she is thinking! Does she still only want to be friends or maybe something else. I am very crazy for this girl and don't want to screw anything up with calling too much or texting her. Please Help!

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She only wanted to be friends before so it's not clear whether anything has really changed. She thinks you are happier, which is good. Neither of you planned the latest adventure but as far as I can see, it could go either way now. I don't think you can mess things up as long as you don't text too often and make her feel stalked. If she's interested, she'll respond and things will gradually escalate. If she's not interested, she may respond to be polite but you will not sense a growing excitement in her responses but more a neutral response. You'll just have to see. Good luck!

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little confused

Thank you you're absolutely right! I think I'll just give it a few days to text her so she doesn't think I'm too interested?!

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little confused

Today was the first day I texted her since seeing her Friday afternoon. I asked her if she would like to go back out this week and got the "im super busy with work" which I know is true. She said we'll play it by ear so we'll see what happens. If she blows me off then I know where I stand with her but even if she agrees to go out I still don't know where I stand with her.

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How about waiting two weeks before contacting her again? That would be the best way to go then maybe she won't blow you off. When you do hang out try and be upfront asking if were just friends or, can we be something more?? Try it my ex the cowboy and I have been upfront with each other and, now I have no idea what's going on...

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I am a bit more old-fashioned than a lot of posters here, but as a woman, if I have had sex with someone and wasn't contacted for two weeks, I would be hurt and angry. I would think that you were only calling me after a two week break because you were horny and thought you could get laid.


If I were you, and if you want to take her on a date, I would call her (not text, not email). If you hear her voice, you will have a much better idea about what she is thinking besides some random words on a blackberry. If she truly is too busy, then she will still sound enthusiastic about seeing you and may possibly suggest other times to get together.

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