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FWB..never done this before..

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Ok so...weekend before last I went on a date with this guy I have been talking to...we had a great time..ended the night with a kiss and hug goodbye..A few days later he told me he doesn't know if he wants a serious relationship right now..that he guessed what he was looking for was more of a FWB situation..only not just sex. He wants someone to hang out with and do stuff with..and whatever else. I..having just gotten out of a relationship decided that is exactly what I needed and went with it. However..I didn't expect to actually end up liking him. I've never been in a FWB situation before so I'm not sure how it works...but..we have alot of fun together..and we totally get each other's sense of humor. We text alot and talk about all kinds of stuff (not just sexual). This weekend he came over after work and we watched a movie. We were holding hands and cuddling and stuff..and ended up hooking up. He hung out after for a few hours and then went home. We were supposed to do something the next day but my child was sick so that didn't work out so he asked if I wanted to hang out tonight after work..I asked him if he was seeing anyone and he said no just you. He has said a few times "it's because I like you" and stuff like that.


I'm trying to just..not complicate it..take it for what it is and just have fun..but at the same time the more I talk to him the more I like him..and I don't want to end up getting hurt..when he said from the beginning he didn't want anything serious.


I don't really know what to think about it...any input? Thanks guys!

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In my experience, and I've done the whole FWB thing a few times before. They always someone falls in love or someone gets jealous. He said he likes you which is a good sign, however some ppl can like you but will never fall for you. You have to make sure you're doing what you want from the beginning.

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Yeah that's what I was thinking..I can't really have any expectations of it because that's not how it started. I was wondering if I should talk to him and see if he thinks he could want a relationship in the future (not necessarily with me..but anyone) or if he is just not wanting that at all..but I don't know how that would come off.

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I don't know either. He kind of actually sounds like an ex of mine. We were basically a couple, did all the things you listed etc. I fell for her HARD and she somehow could always stay detached from me.


Take it slow, see how things progress & if you start catching feelings for him, check where he's at. If he's not on the same page as you, BAIL FAST!

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Thanks I'll do that. I'm pretty sure it's not going to turn into anything but I had to kind of expect that.

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Aren't you just a cute girl :) You see he wants you to be his FWB because you're hot, there is no other reason believe it. Of course you probably feel the same way rite? This guy is probably around ur age so he won't commit when he can get it for free, and you know he's doing other girls too so you're nothing special. As a girl myself I want you to realize guys don't care who or what we like only what they like. You don't NEED this situation you just WANT it. Good luck but what happens when your real lover comes and your FWB calls? He may think twice about you. Then again love is crazy these days so are people ;D

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haha thanks susan! And I know you're right. I decided that situation definitely wasn't what was best for me...sooo on to the next! ;)

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