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Not sure if I want to date.

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I met a girl I do like however I have been so apathetic toward dating. I am completing my masters and working a lot and although I do have the time to date I just don't feel like putting in the effort. I feel this is a bad way to view things, I am 24 I feel I should be dating...


Anyway, whats your experience with this? It has been 3 years since I have dated. I feel lonely sometimes but not a lot. I am happy with life now too. Is this normal? Dating seems like such a pain in the ass!


Just wondering your guys experience thanks!

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If you feel like you aren't up for dating, then you probably aren't.

Is there any reason you can't just establish a friendship with this girl and see if your feelings about dating change later on?

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When you find a girl you like (much more than this one), putting in the effort won't be difficult.


I don't see a problem with not wanting to date at the moment. Concentrate on your studies.

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