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Time to call it quits?


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Ok here's the deal. I've been dating this guy for about 5 weeks. At first, it was great. We have a lot in common, make each other laugh and all that good stuff. One of our problems is that he lives 80 miles from me. He has his own place, I still live at home. I really like this guy and the more I'm with him, the stronger the feelings. My problem with him is that he's sending out mixed signals. He tells me he cares about me and considers me his girlfriend/dating and all that but he doesn't want to rush into a really deep commitment right now. I agree with that, but to me if you like someone... you show them. Well he isn't very inituative nor is he very open about his feelings. I've asked him if he wants to date other people or just call it quits and just be friends and he always says no, that he doesn't want anyone else and has no intentions of finding anyone else. Like I said earlier... we've been dating for 5 weeks and I always go to his place. When I mention him coming to see me he freaks out. He makes me feel like I'm not worth the trip. I understand his point about me still living at home and all that but still, I feel if he really wanted to be with me then he would make some kind of effort. Also, he never calls me, I always have to call him. When I tell him how I feel, he says I'm nagging him. He says just for me to slow down and take it one day at a time. I don't understand what's going on. If it weren't for me doing all the initiating in this, I don't think there would be an us. He says he hasn't lost interest, but how can I tell if he's interested if he never calls. He's one of these guys that you have to chase instead of him chasing you and I'm not used to that. I told him I feel like I'm chasing him and I don't want to chase him away and he says it doesn't seem to be that way to him. I'm so confused!! Advice anyone??? I really like this guy and want to keep seeing him to see where it goes, but I can't make him see my point of views and why I feel the way I do... confused and insecure. Someone help please.

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billy the kid

there is an old joke I do to people some times, try it... when you see someone you know at a distance call them over, don't say any thing just call their name and wave them over. then when they walk up and say what ever, just say you just wanted to see how far you could drag an ass with out a rope.. ok so that is what is happening with you and this guy..

Ok here's the deal. I've been dating this guy for about 5 weeks. At first, it was great. We have a lot in common, make each other laugh and all that good stuff. One of our problems is that he lives 80 miles from me. He has his own place, I still live at home. I really like this guy and the more I'm with him, the stronger the feelings. My problem with him is that he's sending out mixed signals. He tells me he cares about me and considers me his girlfriend/dating and all that but he doesn't want to rush into a really deep commitment right now. I agree with that, but to me if you like someone... you show them. Well he isn't very inituative nor is he very open about his feelings. I've asked him if he wants to date other people or just call it quits and just be friends and he always says no, that he doesn't want anyone else and has no intentions of finding anyone else. Like I said earlier... we've been dating for 5 weeks and I always go to his place. When I mention him coming to see me he freaks out. He makes me feel like I'm not worth the trip. I understand his point about me still living at home and all that but still, I feel if he really wanted to be with me then he would make some kind of effort. Also, he never calls me, I always have to call him. When I tell him how I feel, he says I'm nagging him. He says just for me to slow down and take it one day at a time. I don't understand what's going on. If it weren't for me doing all the initiating in this, I don't think there would be an us. He says he hasn't lost interest, but how can I tell if he's interested if he never calls. He's one of these guys that you have to chase instead of him chasing you and I'm not used to that. I told him I feel like I'm chasing him and I don't want to chase him away and he says it doesn't seem to be that way to him. I'm so confused!! Advice anyone??? I really like this guy and want to keep seeing him to see where it goes, but I can't make him see my point of views and why I feel the way I do... confused and insecure. Someone help please.
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The reason you like this guy is because he is a challenge and you care a lot more for him than he does for you.


Add some dignity to your life by telling him if he doesn't treat you like a special lady and make you FEEL like a special lady by coming to see you, coming to pick you up, calling you to talk, etc., he can GET LOST!!!


This is no guy you want to have in your life. He has no respect for your feelings, he doesn't listen to your feelings, he is a female's nightmare. I don't blame you for liking him but your reasons are all wrong.


I can save you the time of continuing to see him to see where it goes by telling you where it's going to go right now....NOWHERE!!! He is NO gentleman and he has NO respect or consideration for you or your feelings.


Now that you know that, you can kiss him goodbye and find a guy who will help you feel like a lady and feel special to him.


And give this guy a message from me, if you will. Ask him where he get's off sitting on his can while his lady does all the work in this relationship.

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