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Confused about a call..please READ

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ok if u read my earlier posts u can get a lil insigt of my relaionship..if not let me tell ya..been with my bf for over 3 years hes 19, im 20..soon gonna be 21 and he 20..anyways we have had a few short 2-3 day break ups because he wasnt sure of our realtionship, he told me that i took it to serious and that he just wants to have fun..btu yesterday we had another one and it seemed serious cos i found him a rate site to meet chicks, so i told him how mean that was of him...and he said that he he cares about me but is still curious..so i told him that its best to break up, and he agreed...anyways we decided to stay as friends...


so i saw him in school today- and we hugged hello, we acted cool with eachother just without the bf and gf affection, anyways i could tell he still likes me, ugh..and i like him..but LOVE HIM as well...

anyways after class he went home and i went home, and i didnt call him the whole day today..cos i see no point but a while ago...tojight he called me just to say this "hey babe what are you doing"..and i didnt know what to say when he said babe so i just acted casual and said "jsut watching TV-this cool home makeopver show" and then he said "cool, well im gouing to the arcades right now, ill give u a call later" and then i said "Ok have fun"..and we hung up...


i have questions now..

why did he call me? and why did he still call me babe?....

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He most likely called you because he is still interested. As for calling you "babe", he still has an attraction to you. He isn't, however, ready for anything serious as he clearly stated to you. If you want to date him, and not be exclusive it sounds that he's up for that. Try to force him into a relationship, or read too much into his actions, and you might drive him away completely.

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