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One week moved in...irritation and arguments

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So my bf of 1.5 years and I just moved in together two weekends ago. I was really looking forward to this and thought it'd be the best thing ever.


Actually I moved into his place before we moved to our own place. There we were doing good, had a great time and were still doing things together.

Now in our own place things got weird. At first I blamed it on PMS...and quite frankly it kinda was...Also, he decided to stop smoking so his crankiness is like...million fold. But in any case, there is a whole lot of tension and its like we're walking on eggshells.

We've had arguments about how to split the groceries, in a way that it makes me feel like he is afraid I'm going to take advantage of him. We also have argued about his overall irritation, which feels so heavy all the time.


I honestly become irritated with him too. I've noticed he is constantly saying someone is trying to put him down or take advantage of him or us. He talks smack about pretty much everyone and feels just so negative. I don't know what happened to my happy, loving funny boyfriend. Its like there is a dark cloud hanging over him at all times to the point that Im kinda not wanting to come home after work anymore. Yesterday we discussed how tense we've been feeling and he said that he has been feeling really tense since we moved to the apartment. He said that he keeps getting irritated with me but couldn't tell me what I do that irritates him. At the end we decided that there is something about the apartment that irritates us and we need to change it (we joked about getting sage!). After that chat we seemed to be back to normal but this morning he woke up cranky and bitching once again.


Does anyone know if this might be caused by withdrawals from cigarette? Or if being annoyed with each other is normal at the beginning of living together? Im nervous that we won't be able to hack it, as we've already had two fights in less than two weeks when we had never had an argument in the past year.

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Moving is stressful, so is smoking cessation. Give it some time and hopefully things will get better for you!

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The smoking withdrawal is making him cranky, but even if that were not an issue, the most surefire way to end a relationship is to move in together. Then all the everyday little annoyances and grievances pick away at your relationship until it ends. Statistics show that unmarried people who move in together are likely to split up more than couples who don't live together. If you don't have the binding commitment of marriage to hold the relationship together with the person you are living with, then it is too easy to leave when the everyday grievances create trouble between you. I'd suggest moving out, but maintaining the relationship.

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