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am i responsible for his jersey?


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o.k. i have washed his stupid vikings jersey over and over and this time i guess there was something in it that stained and faded it. am i responsible to replace it? we live together so i do his laundry all the time, but today i goofed. if the majority rules that i should replace it then i will, but if not, we will probably keep fighting about this. what is the right thing to do? the jersey can't be saved, i know i tried.

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billy the kid

since you do the laundry and you made a mistake offer to split the cost of replacing it,,, if he doesn't like that spend the money and get him a new one and never wash a stich of his clothes again,,, and I am sure you can figure a few other ways to cut him off also...

o.k. i have washed his stupid vikings jersey over and over and this time i guess there was something in it that stained and faded it. am i responsible to replace it? we live together so i do his laundry all the time, but today i goofed. if the majority rules that i should replace it then i will, but if not, we will probably keep fighting about this. what is the right thing to do? the jersey can't be saved, i know i tried.
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For your guy to even imply that you should replace his jersey is SICK SICK SICK. You are kind enough to take care of his wash and it is assumed that you will take due care and do the best job possible.


To argue about this type of matter is so immature, so mean spirited, so selfish on his part. If he was any kind of a decent human being, he would thank you for giving it a good try, give you a kiss for forgiveness and for doing your best and forget about it. He is NOT a decent human being.


It is very sad that you have to put your disputes up for a vote on the Internet in order to solve them. Your relationship is in serious trouble. You need to carefully review you extremely self-centered boyfriend's attitude here. He is a first class jerk. I have talked to several guys just now who would have just written it off...never, ever with the thought of having their girl replace it.


It is obvious that he is NOT a decent human being. I don't like him at all and you can tell him that!!!

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well i wished i could of read these responses before i had to tell him what i did. he gave me crap about it cause it was a $50.00 jersey, anyway i offered to pay half for a new one but now i'm not so sure i should. maybe i offered to ease my conscious and cause i knew he was going to be pist and he was. he said, why the hell did you wash it with the towels anyway? and i told him to stop yelling at me cause i'm not a kid, i'm suppose to be your partner. i said "like you never make mistakes? he said "rarely" sick macho bastard@his then i had the opportunity to throw it back at him cause the other day he had his stereo face cover in his trunk hidden and then threw his briefcase on top of it and now has to pay $250.00 to replace. so i stood in front of him and held my hands up like a scale and said, hmmm 50.00/ and raised one hand then said 250.00 and raised the other hand higher, i was trying to make a joke out of it so he wouldn't get mad at me again. he saw my point tho and smiled, he later apologized for being so gruff as he put it. but i already did tell him i would pay for half to replace it, but now i will tell him that if anything else happens to his laundry, i will not be responsible for it. he already said he'd do his own, but another time i got things kinda pink and he was pist then too and so now he thinks cause of a few incidents that i "always" do this. well maybe i should be more careful with the laundry. thanks all. p.s. you are very right about him being self-centered, i never thought of him that way, cause i couldn't think of a word to describe him, but now i have one. except how do you convince someone they have faults too when indeed you rarely if ever see them mess up? nothing like making someone feel incompetent to act perfect and to look perfect as well. most of his faults seem to be with his personality.

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well i wished i could of read these responses before i had to tell him what i did. he gave me crap about it cause it was a $50.00 jersey, anyway i offered to pay half for a new one but now i'm not so sure i should. maybe i offered to ease my conscious and cause i knew he was going to be pist and he was. he said, why the hell did you wash it with the towels anyway? and i told him to stop yelling at me cause i'm not a kid, i'm suppose to be your partner. i said "like you never make mistakes? he said "rarely" sick macho bastard@his then i had the opportunity to throw it back at him cause the other day he had his stereo face cover in his trunk hidden and then threw his briefcase on top of it and now has to pay $250.00 to replace. so i stood in front of him and held my hands up like a scale and said, hmmm 50.00/ and raised one hand then said 250.00 and raised the other hand higher, i was trying to make a joke out of it so he wouldn't get mad at me again. he saw my point tho and smiled, he later apologized for being so gruff as he put it. but i already did tell him i would pay for half to replace it, but now i will tell him that if anything else happens to his laundry, i will not be responsible for it. he already said he'd do his own, but another time i got things kinda pink and he was pist then too and so now he thinks cause of a few incidents that i "always" do this. well maybe i should be more careful with the laundry. thanks all. p.s. you are very right about him being self-centered, i never thought of him that way, cause i couldn't think of a word to describe him, but now i have one. except how do you convince someone they have faults too when indeed you rarely if ever see them mess up? nothing like making someone feel incompetent to act perfect and to look perfect as well. most of his faults seem to be with his personality.
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VERY angry woman

When I read this my BLOOD BOILS over at this macho F***ing son of a bitch!! I would like to tell him off and punch his face in for being such an a**h***. What a jerk!!! OHHHHHH I just want to dig my nails into that bastard and hurt him.


How DARE he he treat you like this when you did his laundry??? You are not a maid!!! He should pay you for this. I wouldn't offer him one cent. In fact I would charge him for the service!!! You are not his mother or grandmother either. Just slap the son-of-a-bitch on the face and teach him a lesson.


WHO the hell cares about a stupid jersey!!Big F**** deal!! So it happens! life happens. People make mistakes. Red wine gets spilled on expensive ladies' dresses too! Hurricanes happen. Tell him to shove it up his ***.

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This whole thing seems so infantile. How old are the two of you???


I guess you should consider yourselves lucky if you have to scrape the bottom of the sewer to find things like this to fuss about.

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i don't think i desesrved that tony, i guess i should of stated that he didn't ask me to pay for it, i offered to.

This whole thing seems so infantile. How old are the two of you??? I guess you should consider yourselves lucky if you have to scrape the bottom of the sewer to find things like this to fuss about.
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Sorry, didn't mean to insult you. It's just that from my perspective this whole thing sounds so silly. I'm sure being in the middle of it, for you it's no fun.

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