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This is one of the most bitter sites I have come across

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PORN: The final frontier feminists have for their reason to keep being bitter about men.


More often than not porn stars come from very shattered family backrounds which have alot more to do with their emotional problems then being in the porn industry.


And for some of them to adopt the standard "I hate men" stance because of this shows how un-intelligent they really are.

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It's not just porn. People keep asking me for evidence of misandry and here it is.

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It's funny how women who live in other countries and are forced to put up with truly terrible men with little or no legal protections can't drum up even a sliver of the hate that Western culture women. Evidently getting molested on the train is much easier to deal with than failing to negotiate a raise.

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Thanks for the laughs, so glad I don't have to listen to that garbage any more. My favorite from the comments to that blog: women do 2/3 of the world's work, receive 10% of the income and own 1% of the means of production. Hilarious. Where do they come up with this stuff? They do so much harm to their credibility with all the bad science and bogus stats. Thank god for the internet, because in the 90s, this stuff was still broadcast on the nightly news as being objective reporting, and the internet has put a big chill on lots of that.


When you look at the world as a whole... women DO a lot of the work.


I took an anthropology class that studies African tribes and women did 80% of the work. Yes... 80%. They listed the average day for women then the average day for a man.


Now... you look at the U.S. and Europe and the women do about 60% of the housework, but really can't make any claims outside the home. Also they can't complain because they control a huge chunk of the western world's disposable income.

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I don't blame women for treating me badly.

I blame myself for letting them.


If someone is doing porn & nobody is holding a gun to their head, then that someone needs to take responsibility for their choice in jobs.


I mean honestly, you couldn't get a job doing anything but porn?



I work in a very large company were the majority of higher ups are.....women.


Most of the women I see on match.com are in a higher salary bracket than I am.


I just don't see the oppressed woman thing.



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Meh, you'll find a lot more hateful and ignorant sites on the internet.


Oh, those Japanese guys and their tentacles...

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How come every commercial and romantic comedy movie you see now days portrays the boyfriend/husband as a meandering dolt and the girlfriend/wife as the smart, reasonable thoughtful individual?


And look how feminine young males are now days. A generation of men raised by women. I think they have gained massive ground in Western Culture.

Edited by Mr. Savage
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The blog itself is rather sad.


She makes a valid point about the pornography industry, though. There are indeed women in it who feel incredibly demeaned by their work but put up with it to earn a living, although there are also porn stars who enjoy it. Saying someone has a 'choice' to work in it or not is never an excuse for the failure of a job's legal standards and procedures to protect its employees. The solution to sweatshops, asbestos factories and dangerous mines is not to simply tell their employees, 'Well, no one's forcing you to work here. Work elsewhere!' There are also men who interpret porn in a way that is demeaning to women, and form ideas in their heads about women which are untrue.


I'm a huge supporter of porn, but the industry needs a couple of changes to protect its workers better.

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When you look at the world as a whole... women DO a lot of the work.


I took an anthropology class that studies African tribes and women did 80% of the work. Yes... 80%. They listed the average day for women then the average day for a man.


Now... you look at the U.S. and Europe and the women do about 60% of the housework, but really can't make any claims outside the home. Also they can't complain because they control a huge chunk of the western world's disposable income.


Not sure about the African thing, but it is indeed true that in a large part of the developed/semi-developed world, women work outside the home as much as men do but also find themselves doing a much larger percentage of the housework and child-rearing. True equality does still have a ways to go, but it's getting better. Perhaps that's part of the reason some women nowadays subconsciously search for men who earn more, because they already know that they will be doing the majority of house chores regardless, and they don't want to have to bring in the bacon AND do the majority of the house chores.


The hard-ass, bitter approach in the blog that Woggle listed is not going to help the cause in any way, though.

Edited by Elswyth
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American women, the whiny and self-entitled group.


You can give everything to a woman and she will still complain about how oppressed she is. Women expect everything to be handed to them not fought for. They dont understand that in this man's world, respect is earned not given.


As for pornography, cry me a river. Pornography wouldn't exist if no woman was willing to participate in it.

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Queen Zenobia

I have not and would not have ever heard of or seen this blog had you not posted it in this forum. No offense Woggle, but do you go and seek this stuff out?


The internet is a haven for crazies, thankfully this is one of the lesser known ones.

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As for pornography, cry me a river. Pornography wouldn't exist if no woman was willing to participate in it.


Oh come ON. Would you say that 20-hour sweatshops with no regard for employee safety and rights would not exist if no man was willing to participate in it? :rolleyes: That mines and construction sites that do not follow proper safety rulings would not exist if no man was willing to participate in it?


Should we then tell people who bring up such issues, 'Cry me a river'?

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I have not and would not have ever heard of or seen this blog had you not posted it in this forum. No offense Woggle, but do you go and seek this stuff out?


The internet is a haven for crazies, thankfully this is one of the lesser known ones.


...True, actually. How DID you find this, Woggle?

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I saw some movie recently where this little new guinea dude climbed up a 150 ft tree right into a GIGANTIC bee's nest with only a loincloth just to get a honeycomb for his wife. Zthose bees were stinging the living hell out of him and he's just smiling away because he knows that honeycomb's gonna get him some hairy Papua leg and some peace and quiet for a day or two until she wants some more 150 ft tall tree honey. God knows how that poor, poor noble woman stands being oppressed like that smug little patriarch.



How come every commercial and romantic comedy movie you see now days portrays the boyfriend/husband as a meandering dolt and the girlfriend/wife as the smart, reasonable thoughtful individual?


And look how feminine young males are now days. A generation of men raised by women. I think they have gained massive ground in Western Culture.

All good points... I think the answer is: Don't watch stupid movies, don't hang out with those who do, be true to yourself and what your nature is; F*CK being politically correct, it's all bollocks, have integrity...


A man once said to me, all women are looking for is a guy who won't put up with their bull*****... In my experience, this is true...

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Oh come ON. Would you say that 20-hour sweatshops with no regard for employee safety and rights would not exist if no man was willing to participate in it? :rolleyes: That mines and construction sites that do not follow proper safety rulings would not exist if no man was willing to participate in it?


Should we then tell people who bring up such issues, 'Cry me a river'?

Tell me what exactly the pornography rights and safety concerns that you are whining about then?

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Queen Zenobia
Oh come ON. Would you say that 20-hour sweatshops with no regard for employee safety and rights would not exist if no man was willing to participate in it? :rolleyes: That mines and construction sites that do not follow proper safety rulings would not exist if no man was willing to participate in it?


Should we then tell people who bring up such issues, 'Cry me a river'?


Actually yes. No one can force someone to work somewhere in any particular industry against their will. I mean at least not in a society like our's where slavery is illegal. People would either demand better regulations or refuse to work there if conditions were not to their liking. I suppose the owners of the mines and construction sites could invest in machines to do the work humans would normally do but that would make this whole scenario more complicated.


Porn is a little different because you have demand and supply with varying motives and causes, and circumstances.

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Tell me what exactly the pornography rights and safety concerns that you are whining about then?


Is there really a point in answering someone who construes the mere mention of concerns regarding a particular industry in one post as 'whining'? I think not.


Whining is something you do, dear. Not I.

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Actually yes. No one can force someone to work somewhere in any particular industry against their will. I mean at least not in a society like our's where slavery is illegal. People would either demand better regulations or refuse to work there if conditions were not to their liking. I suppose the owners of the mines and construction sites could invest in machines to do the work humans would normally do but that would make this whole scenario more complicated.


Porn is a little different because you have demand and supply with varying motives and causes, and circumstances.


Reading your bolded sentence makes me feel very, very sad. Workers' and humans' rights would not exist at all nowadays if everyone thought the same way. There are a whole host of reasons someone would continue on in a job that they themselves realized was damaging to their own physical and mental health, instead of just saying, "Change this or I quit".

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Is there really a point in answering someone who construes the mere mention of concerns regarding a particular industry in one post as 'whining'? I think not.


Whining is something you do, dear. Not I.

Thats right. You couldnt come up with any.


Money shot is neither a right nor a safety concern. :rolleyes:


Reading your bolded sentence makes me feel very, very sad. Workers' and humans' rights would not exist at all nowadays if everyone thought the same way. There are a whole host of reasons someone would continue on in a job that they themselves realized was damaging to their own physical and mental health, instead of just saying, "Change this or I quit".
You dont seem to understand a lot about the basics of business.


A happy workforce is in the best interest of a company because it increases productivity and a business' number one objective is to stay in business not to make its employees happy.

Edited by musemaj11
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Queen Zenobia
Reading your bolded sentence makes me feel very, very sad. Workers' and humans' rights would not exist at all nowadays if everyone thought the same way. There are a whole host of reasons someone would continue on in a job that they themselves realized was damaging to their own physical and mental health, instead of just saying, "Change this or I quit".


You're construing two issues here. Human rights are things that have come about as a direct result of economic development in human history. Across the board in every society this is true. Worker's rights were largely won by unions and individuals organizing to collectively bargain for better working conditions and compensation. Are there harsh working conditions out there? Yes of course, but almost every single person is capable of improving their lot in some way. And of course as a society's economy grows the demands for better working conditions grow. And everything musemaj just said.


Or were you hoping I'd criticize huge corporations and greedy businessmen for exploiting labor?

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Thats right. You couldnt come up with any.


Money shot is neither a right nor a safety concern. :rolleyes:


More like I'm not interested in spending a good 20 minutes of my rather valuable time coming up with a well thought-out research essay for someone who'll just dismiss it because he has certain prejudices and flawed misogynistic thought patterns ingrained so deeply within him that nothing can budge them. Plenty of posters have tried with you. I have, in the past. Now, I consciously limit my responses to you. Sorry.


QZ: The mentality you were espousing was that no one should ever raise anything employment-related as a purely social concern, and that it should be left entirely to the employees themselves to bargain for better treatment or leave. Based on this mentality, none of the NGOs fighting for the rights of, for example, the sweatshop employees in China, would ever exist. I cannot subscribe to such thinking.


Anyhow, this is probably going off-topic. So, on-topic, I agree that the site is terribly bitter and sad. I would not be too harsh on them if I were you, though, Woggle. Just as how you were emotionally abused by your mother and thus became a misogynist, they probably received some terrible treatment at the hands of the men in their lives to leave them so. Work on your own issues instead of feeding off their negative energy, is my advice.

Edited by Elswyth
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Queen Zenobia
QZ: The mentality you were espousing was that no one should ever raise anything employment-related as a purely social concern, and that it should be left entirely to the employees themselves to bargain for better treatment or leave. Based on this mentality, none of the NGOs fighting for the rights of, for example, the sweatshop employees in China, would ever exist. I cannot subscribe to such thinking.


The employees are probably in the best position to bargain for themselves because they have the most to gain and the most to lose. Some talking head from a post-industrial country can half heartedly "help" those workers, but he or she gets to duck out if things don't go so well.


I'm not an expert on NGOs in China, but I can tell you that NGOs in Afghanistan are hindering, not helping the development of that country. I won't knock all NGOs because there are some good ones, but in general they don't do as much good as they get credit for.


I'm not making this up either. My father is an economist, my fiance (also an economist) works for the IMF, I study developing countries (in certain national security related regions) for a living.

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You guys realize there's like humpty jillion blogs now, if you want to find a blog on any topic just add the term "blog" to your search. Here's a colon cleanse blog:




Here's a less angry more traditional feminist blog:




Errr, yeah, which means that he actually purposefully searched for it even though he's supposed to avoid such blogs as part of his therapy for bitterness against women. (And no, I'm not making this up, go read his previous posts).

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