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a little over one month NC......hurting

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I am feeling a little better. Although the pain comes in waves. Sometimes someone says "Oh you will definitely hear from him". I secretly wish that I would. I know that is wrong to feel that way. I just can't help it. Broken off by me, after almost 4 yrs of this ****. Enough is enough! I want someone to love completely and that loves me back completely. I have blocked my email and cut off mutual friends. Why do I feel sad that he hasn't even tried to contact me???? Although I wake up each morning and thank the universe/god for him not contacting me.


I don't even know why this is so upsetting????? We only would see each other twice a week. He never made any promises to me.

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It is probably validation you are looking for from him. And a wanting to know that you mattered to him, that what you offered was enough, was great.


But if he could have showed you those things you would not have needed to break it off, right.


It will get better, just not all at once. You will rise above all this. I know you will. :bunny:

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fooled once
I am feeling a little better. Although the pain comes in waves. Sometimes someone says "Oh you will definitely hear from him". I secretly wish that I would. I know that is wrong to feel that way. I just can't help it. Broken off by me, after almost 4 yrs of this ****. Enough is enough! I want someone to love completely and that loves me back completely. I have blocked my email and cut off mutual friends. Why do I feel sad that he hasn't even tried to contact me???? Although I wake up each morning and thank the universe/god for him not contacting me.


I don't even know why this is so upsetting????? We only would see each other twice a week. He never made any promises to me.


So if he contacts you, what will you do? Will you happily go back to having crumbs? You have invested 4 years in him, it is going to take a while to get over him. Are you working to get over him? Or are you holding hope that he will contact you and ask to resume the affair?


Stay strong, stay focused on healing and keep yourself busy!

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