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How long do you wait when a guy says he'll call before calling?


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i'm in a long-distance relationship with a guy in Egypt and last week when i called him he said he'd call me, but hasn't since. Calling from here is way cheaper than it is from Egypt, so i can understand if he has a finacial problem, but i'm not sure just how long i should give him before calling it quits because this kind of relationship doesn't seem like it can work from such a distance. We had a great time together this summer while i was taking an archeology course for two months and i do want to go back to do research work and maybe live, but should i just let it go for now and not worry, just see what happens?


Should i give him a call to call it off?

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Let it go and forget about calling to call it off...that's really not necessary. There's not really a whole lot to call off. If he isn't able to keep up his end of the friendship, it just won't work. Besides, he is very far from you, from a much different culture, and there are many reasons why a long term relationship between the two of you would never work.


Treasure the great adventures you had during your course work in Egypt. (I am jealous) I'm sure that your time there was fun. Treasure the times you spent with him and chalk it up to part of your university education. Find a nice guy you can "dig" in your own town.

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