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out of school but away from him but not his friend

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okay so i started datting this guy at the very end of the school year and i know it was a bad idea but i had just stared being comtorbel datting againa nd ya okay anyway i dont get to see him but i get to see his best friend who i love and i consder this a long distance relationship because i dotn get to see him at all and ya so how do i keep this relationship going withought ruinging it with his friend whom likes me (and is my ex) ?????? im hapy i have my bf but im depressed i lost my ex i love him.......:lmao:

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When you say end of school year do you mean junior high? My children can write more coherently than you but thats beside the point. You want to have a relationship with two different people who happen to be best friends? Are you seriously kidding?

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When you say end of school year do you mean junior high? My children can write more coherently than you but thats beside the point.


Not really, madjac74. About all I got out of what was posted was: "Okay, I started dating this guy at the end of the school year and I know it was a bad idea..."


The rest was totally intelligible. :eek: If the poster wants advice she at least needs to make an attempt to communicate in some way that's understandable to the rest of the universe.


Sorry OP, if you want some help, you need to put in some effort.




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I dont think she wants help, just someone to tell her what she is doing is ok. The LDR group is the wrong place to look for that sympathy when we go months and months without seeing the one we love and we don't have a local stand by as she does.

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