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what do i do from here?

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i met this girl a few weeks ago and hit it off.we liked each other and we kissed and held hands on our first day out.


however,she came clean next day that she had feelings for someone else as well as me.she admitted that she had liked this other guy for a while.she said that she would choose the other guy but when i asked if she did actually like me she said yes definately and i also asked her if she would have gone wout with me if the other guy was not in the frame to a quick and certain yes.


ive decided after a few weeks to leave it well alone.im just not sure what to do now.should i contact her some time in the future and see where things go from there?we have exams soon so i want to concentrate on those and then i might contact her again?


anyone have any tips on how to handle the situation?



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average guy

I'm afraid you should concentrate on your exams :(


By telling you of "the other guy" she was really was saying that she was choosing him, but it sounds like she was being very fair and nice about it by telling you straight away. I think I would chalk it up to experience and forget about it


Good luck on your exams :)





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I agree with Average Guy - believe me I know how you feel, and I know how easy is it to let this kind of thing ruin your exams. I've got a guy messing up my head at the moment and if I'm not careful, I'll mess up my frighteningly-near exams. Just focus on that first and foremost. She isn't putting YOU first, she's basically told you that you're second best. Do you really want to be second best to somebody? NO! You want her to think how wonderful you are, not that you're alright to settle for.


I had somebody tell me once that if they weren't so hung up on their ex, they'd definitely want to date me....like hello - how is that flattering?? I was like, "Oh...thanks." :confused: She may like you, sure, but she isn't putting you first. Do you really want to be someone that a girl 'settles' for? You want her to WANT you, and to not even hold a thought about anyone else! :love:


It's horrible not knowing what to do, where you stand, and where to go from here. It's horrible to be left hanging!! I don't know what advice I can give you...I think I would just put her out of your head before you fall for her. Get on with your life and your exams right now, and if she really wants you then maybe in the future you can consider seeing how it goes - as long as you think she's good enough for you!!


Look at the saying in my signature - I don't know if you believe in fate but that saying is a great comfort to me when I'm worried!!! :)


Take care and good luck with your exams, they'll be over soon and you can just have a really great summer!! :D

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Most definitely put your education FIRST buddy. You need to get your degree wether she's in the picture or not. But anyway, let her contact you. Trust me, she'll come around if it doesn't work out with that "other guy". The question I have is, "Do you want to be someone's Second Best"? I guess everyone doesn't have a huge ego and pride issue like myself, so do as you wish. It's your happiness that matters anyway =) Good luck!

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