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Calling all cars here (LEGAL ) Im freaking out!!

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I live in the state of Pennsylvania


married 4 years have a 2 1/2 year old daughter


Wife wants me out of the house to have space and time to earn money to move on? Should i file for divorce before leaving the house? Which we can barely afford to keep anyway? Not sure if she will use it against me in court but im sure the lawyer might instigate the fact that i left even if it's her wishes??


My daughter is my life!! What should i do if my wife is talking about moving out of state? I know i can file a petition for custody to prevent this am i right? She says they deserve a better life and I can see my daughter whenever i want?? I'd be selfish if to not let them go?? WTF??? How is her taking her out of state even right for the child? She adores me and we have a wonderful relationship!!


My wife is acting ridiculous and all this anger and frustration is a result of her severe depression?? which she refuses to get help for?? she hasn/t had a full time job in years and i've put her through cosmetology school and she needs to take her theory exam to get her license..


am i being selfish??? please shed some light?? I just want to mainatin a relationship with my daughter and watch her grow up?? My wife is so mad because i didn't leave and give her the space she asked for? Im lost and going completely crazy with all this mess and i feel threatened by the situation.. she is coming back from massachsettes with my daughter soon and i was asked to leave the home again.. should i leave and take the risk? I don't want any of this **** to happpen..???


please help



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What should you do.. two things.. number one... Don't leave until your attorney tells you it is okay, the other thing is really the most important..retain an attorney on MONDAY.. No later


Even if you both don't divorce then at least your attorney will have a separation agreement in place if you do leave for a time.

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