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Post some things that make you feel good.

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Ginger Beer

I'm in a good mood today, I feel happy so I thought I'd start a happy thread and ask you all what makes you feel good? It can be anything, small or big. Here are some of mine:


- Custard donuts

- Coffee

- Lying on my bed when the room is spotless

- Stroking the cat

- Deliveries

- Hot showers followed by cream and cologne

- Going to bed early

- Putting my underwear on when I've just taken it out of the dryer and it's still hot inside. :D

- When the sun is unbearably hot


Think that's it, but post some of yours, I may like them. :D


This thread has probably been done a million times too, sorry. :o

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Ross MwcFan

A certain Latina :)


Video games


BBQ ribs


Alcohol (most of the time)




Sunny hot days






The Goonies


Watching my favorite shows on TV




Aquiring new cool clothes/trainers


Just having had my hair cut


Interacting with animals

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Being with partner






Working with animals


Caring for others/doing worthwhile things


My house


My garden


Living in a beautiful place




Creative stuff


Achieving things I though I was too fearful to do









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Ginger Beer
A certain Latina :)


Video games


BBQ ribs


Alcohol (most of the time)




Sunny hot days






The Goonies


Watching my favorite shows on TV




Aquiring new cool clothes/trainers


Just having had my hair cut


Interacting with animals


I read that as a celebrity. :(


Was gonna ask for a pic. :D

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In no particular order:


Good beer


a good bloody mary (super spicy, Stoli, Worcestershire, horseradish, etc.)


Good BBQ


Good fried catfish


The gym








Cross Country skiing




Trap shooting


Indian food




My girl


My dogs






Good books

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Let's see...


-Slipping into bed. I love love LOVE my bed!

-A good mocha. Mmmm. Good tiramisu. Good Indian food. I could go on forever about food...

-Spending time with my little sisters

-My dog *giggle*

-Talking for hours with my best friend. There's nothing like realizing it's 1 am and you have to get up in a few hours. =P

-A soul stirring book

-Reading said soul stirring book in the bath

-My latest and greatest sundress

-Swing dancing...particularly the rare find of a good swing dancing partner. :laugh:

-Busting out the shim sham at random times

-The feeling of accomplishment after a long run

-Looking out from the top of a mountain that I just conquered

-Flying down a ski trail at mach 10

-Dark chocolate

-Drawing. I need to make more time for that.

-Singing without abandon

-Random moments of hope and light :D



The list could go on.

Suddenly today got awesome. =)

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Friends blowing up my phone


People turning to me for emotional support


Having zero balance on my credit cards


My pets


Your pets


Having an awesome career


Acai juice


Sliding into clean white sheets after a shower


Happy hour under the misters in Scottsdale with pals


Being in the "green room"


Knowing you're there :)

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In no particular order...


Summertime (countless BBQs with friends, family, good food, cold beers! The Beach!)


Going to Giants games


Hanging out, playing with my nieces and nephews


Cuddling, Kisses! (I miss those:o)


Watching the sun rise


Driving along the coast listening to good music


The feeling after a good workout


Being outdoors, camping by the lake


purple ganja


payday :laugh:




Waking up next to someone you love

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  • Good coffee
  • California Pizza Kitchen's tiramisu
  • Going to the beach
  • Long brisk walks
  • The feeling after a hard workout
  • My pets
  • A cash bonus from the boss
  • Sex
  • Hanging out with my husband
  • Vietnamese pho, dim sum, brownies, duck confit, curries of all kind (Indian, Thai, Japanese..), mojitos, pad thai, mole negro chicken, satay chicken
  • Mastering goals
  • Traveling
  • Getting long emails from friends
  • Family picnics in the backyard and at the beach
  • The smell of onions and garlic being sauteed
  • Good books and my book club
  • A clean, decluttered home

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fresh sheets on my bed ... waking up to a sunny morning and just lazing in bed before starting the day ... when the blue northers finally hit Texas ~ ususally in October ~ and provide relief from the heat ... the fall season ... hanging out with my friends from college ... reading posts on FB from said friends, reliving jokes from back then ... snuggles and kisses and hugs from my husband ... inside jokes with my husband that make HIM laugh ... hosting dinner for our friends from my old job ... hanging out with my former boss and coworker at their office and picking up on gossip ;)

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. Watching a good comedian/comedienne. Even better live!

. Clean sheets/clean bedroom/clean everything

. Knowing the kids are safe and behaving themselves

. Knowing my Hubby really fancies me so much after all this time

. Dreaming about Hawaii on a daily basis

. Dreaming about Sawyer from 'LOST' occasionally

. Having really mad conversations with my friends

. Going to the cinema/theatre

. Having mad family parties at my sisters house into the small hours of the morning and every now and then, getting quite drunk whilst there

. Buying books

. Spending hours in my beloved library

. Buying underwear

. Being asked for ID - piss funny!

. Driving

. Cooking

. Having a bath with Hubby

. Back rubs

. Nature walks

. Boating

. Swimming

. Doing absolutely nothing

. Reaching a break through moment with clients

. Watching my children go about their business

. Praying

. Writing something profound

. Buying art


Take care,

Eve x

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hot showers

good smelling lotion

a glass of wine


sex :)

good sweaty exercise sesh

time with dear friends

a good nights sleep

a clean house

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Spending time with my family.

Beautiful, sunny warm weather.

Freedom to do what I want, when I want.

My dog, when she smiles at me.

Driving or walking in scenic areas.

Having dinner at a nice restaurant.

Playing volleyball at the beach.

When my favorite pro basketball team wins their game.

When our bank account is looking good.

Paying all the bills and still having money left in the account afterwards.

Having my hair done, and having a pedicure.

Buying a nice outfit.

Getting a good grade on my homework assignments at school.

When the dinner I made turns out really well.


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a good bloody mary (super spicy, Stoli, Worcestershire, horseradish, etc.)


I love a super spicy Bloody Mary. I am generous with Tobasco. I put salty stuff in them as well such as olives or pickles. Yum.

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I love a super spicy Bloody Mary. I am generous with Tobasco. I put salty stuff in them as well such as olives or pickles. Yum.


Mmmmmmmm... Just one of the many things I love about summer.

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- the smell of black coffee on a rainy morning

- finishing the last page of a novel, and putting it on my bookshelf with all the others.

- when I've just finished getting ready for a date/evening out and I take one last look in the mirror and feel like pure confidence has been injected into my veins.

- the feel-good buzz when a new plan makes perfect sense and murky uncertainty turns into a clear and promising future.

- looking at pictures of superbly designed studio apartments, and knowing I'll be living in one of my own some day.

- that amazing feeling when my thoughts translate themselves into words in just the right way at just the right moment

- trying on an item of clothing that's reduced to clearance but loving it so much I would have paid twice the full price for it.

- right after I've vigorously cleaned and organised, and my bedroom goes from a dump to looking like it could be from the set of a Hollywood movie.

- the way my teeth look and feel right after flossing, brushing and mouthwash.

Edited by thelovingkind
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My morning coffee. That's sacred.


Having lot of time to sit curled up in the sofa reading.


Watching a good movie.


Going for long walk in the forest.


Good Asian, vegetarian food.


Ending work for the day and knowing that you've taken a significant step forward.


Talking to my pot plants.


An LS member.

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Ross MwcFan
My morning coffee. That's sacred.


Having lot of time to sit curled up in the sofa reading.


Watching a good movie.


Going for long walk in the forest.


Good Asian, vegetarian food.


Ending work for the day and knowing that you've taken a significant step forward.


Talking to my pot plants.


An LS member.



Who is it? Spill the beans. :)

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I don't know how many of you meditate, but that's what I love :)


Makes me feel great and energized afterwards!


If you really lived by the principles of meditation, you wouldn't be spamming this site :mad::mad:

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-Warming up the car and scraping windows on a cold early morning




-Sleeping in when you have to get up


-A windy summer evening




-Walking alone in a forest


-Thinking about life in general


-Potato salad :laugh:

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Ross MwcFan
-Warming up the car and scraping windows on a cold early morning




-Sleeping in when you have to get up


-A windy summer evening




-Walking alone in a forest


-Thinking about life in general


-Potato salad :laugh:


I love that too, and brushing/scraping the snow off my car, and even sometimes washing it. :confused:


I'm pretty sure most people see these things as just a chore.

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