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Irrational one night stand.

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Woman In Blue

I really don't think OMGItsDonna is that far off the beaten path. I think most men DO act like animals when it comes to their d*cks. Sorry.

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Silent Heart Song
Because she was hot enough and she was into him. He knew what was probably gonna go down as soon as she invited him to her place, and he drove her there hoping for it. If he tells you it was because he was drunk then he's just insulting your intelligence.

After a year of working through this, in hindsight you were completely correct.

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Mistake he made was going back to her place. Dinner and drinks is okay, normal enough for friends to go out and do that, the rest is just stupid stupid stupid!


So, a year and a half has passed.. Where are you and your husband now? Divorced, worked things out?

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