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The guy won't call me!!

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About a week ago I went to a party of a guy friend of mine. I went because I have a crush on him and because it was pretty obvious that he liked me too. Anyway, he spent the entire time I was there with me and whenever I wasn't next to him and I'd look at him he'd always be smiling at me, he was totally flirting with me the whole time. I could just really tell that he liked me a lot. Now, I'm not the type of girl to automatically think a guy likes me the second he starts being nice, I am sure he likes me. He even told me that he thinks that I am the perfect girl.


So, when I left his house he walked me to my car and we exchanged numbers and he kept saying he was really glad I came and that he would really like to do something again sometime. So he said, give me a call sometime and I told him he could call me too.


Since I am more of a traditional type girl I wanted to wait for him to call me but it got to be a week after the party and he still hadn't called me. So I thought maybe he was too scared to call since I wasn't as obvious about how I felt about him as he was. So I decided to call him. I called him and he wasn't there so I said I'd try back later. Then I called again the next day and he still wasn't there and so I left a message to tell him that I had called. Then two days later he never called me back.


So I am very confused. He obviously liked me a lot so why is he so hard to get a hold of? Why didn't he ever try calling me or call me back once I called him? I don't want to be the one chasing him. Before I felt butterflies towards him and now I'm starting to feel a little annoyed towards him. I know it could be that he just never got the message that I called or he lost my number or something but I just don't know. So should I just keep trying to call him until I finally get to talk to him or should I just forget about it?

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his actions speak louder than his words, i'm afraid. most guys who are forward enough to tell you how much they like you (you're the perfect girl, etc) would also be forward enough to call. that he has not called suggests to me that he may be normally quite flirtatious and did not mean much by it.


you were not wrong to think he liked you. he probably is interested, but not very much so, certainly not enough to inconvenence himself or wait around for your call.


maybe he's on vacation, or very busy. but it is most likely he was not that interested.


move on.

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two messages is enough, i wouldn't call him anymore. you never know what happened to him and what went on in his mind. kinda sux but oh well - next! ;)


good luck,


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