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How do you know if your counsellor is right for you?

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I was seeing a counsellor referred to me by my doctor. But she chnaged to working part time. Now I can only see her max once a month, most of the time not even that. I don't think she's helping I feel all shes does is crack it and have a go at me. What should I do?

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Ross MwcFan

She sounds like a tough love type.


Just tell her you don't respond well to that method (not everyone does) and it's just making you feel worse.


Or just tell your doc this, and say that you'd like to see someone who is less abrasive and more understanding.

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Feelin Frisky

The first thing I check for is preparedness as in does the therapist take notes and refresh him or herself before the session as to where I left off or do I have to reorient the therapist every time to my issues. I can't stand wasting time repeating myself. They should do some minimum of prep at least. Otherwise I consider them unprofessional and second rate.

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I was seeing a counsellor referred to me by my doctor. But she chnaged to working part time. Now I can only see her max once a month, most of the time not even that. I don't think she's helping I feel all shes does is crack it and have a go at me. What should I do?


Quit and find another person that you can trust, feel comfortable with. It may take 2-3 counsellors to talk to until you feel you have the right one. Trust me, you'll know when you've found the right person.


Depending on what your issues are as to why you're seeking counselling, there are different types of therapists who can help you.

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A problem I thought that if I do ask for another shrink then what if teh current one see's me with the new one? That would be awkard. This is because the therapists that they referr us too, work in the same place as my doctors offices.

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Citizen Erased
A problem I thought that if I do ask for another shrink then what if teh current one see's me with the new one? That would be awkard. This is because the therapists that they referr us too, work in the same place as my doctors offices.

You're in Melbourne, there are plenty of therapists there apart from the one place your doctor is referring you to. Do some research and find another one.


Or, just tell her if she confronts you if you do switch to someone else there that you felt you required more than one session a month.

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Tell her you don't think your making progress, at least not at the rate your comfortable with. You can even ask her what her plan or prognosis is & after considering all, ask to be referred & then look into finding another counselor.


Therapy is never a; 'one size fits all' proposition. However, simply not liking a counselor is not a good reason to change but if there is no clear evidence of progress than by all means look for another one. Ethically however if a counselor can show no improvement they should be referring you or releasing you.


And keep in mind your case file will be available to any new counselor you choose as soon as you sign a consent to release.

Edited by oldguy
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