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dont know if what he said is true.. what to do..


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me and my boyfriend have been going out for just about 4 months and i love him a lot n he says he loves me and i believed it until last night.. a guy friend of mine told one of my best friends that my boyfriend is going out wit me just to **** me, not cuz he really likes me.. my bf supposedly said this like a month ago.. i cried cuz a few nights ago my boyfriend told me that he really really really ect.. loves me and that he wasnt goin out wit me just to **** me, n that he really cares about me n would do anything for me and anything to protect me.. then last night i heard what he supposedly said one night n i cried.. my guy friend, bf, n close friend all talked n he doesnt rememeber sayin that and if he did i dont know whether its true or not cuz he couldve been jokin cuz hes like that.. i dont wanna break up wit him cuz i dont know whether this is all true or not and i absolutely love him to death but i just dont know what to do.. can anyone help me if they understand this?

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I don't think he's after you just to have his way with you if you know what I mean. If he was he wouldn't still be with you after 4 months. And you know it is possible that he did say that at one time but I'm sure he was just being a guy (not that it's a good excuse) but some guys say stupid things to make themselves sound cool to their friends. And if your boyfriend had told his friends how crazy he was about you he probably would have gotten some crap about it. So, I say if you love him and he loves you and he treats you right then it's okay. If he did say that, it was a mistake on his part, but I doubt that he meant it even if he did say that.

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i would believe my bf, whether he said that jokingly or not, he has made it clear that he is with you for you. i would trust that.

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