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Severe period pain, what can I do?

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I've had this ever since I can remember. I can't describe how painful it is, the pain is that bad. I've taken days off work because of it. Taking painkillers does nothing. At the beginning of each month I'm in complete agony. I've had it so bad that I've been in the foetal position crying my eyes out. I've been to teh doctor before, but he doesn't seem to take me that seriously.

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I've had this ever since I can remember. I can't describe how painful it is, the pain is that bad. I've taken days off work because of it. Taking painkillers does nothing. At the beginning of each month I'm in complete agony. I've had it so bad that I've been in the foetal position crying my eyes out. I've been to teh doctor before, but he doesn't seem to take me that seriously.


It could be you have fibroids or ovarian cysts.


Find another Dr ASAP and put a complaint in that the Dr hasn't helped you and hasn't checked you, or sent you for any tests (ultrasound) etc.

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I get severe pain to the point I'm in tears, but neurofen usually works for me, I'm lucky in that respect, although it takes an hour to kick in. Your GP should be taking you seriously. Has he given you pain killers for it? Sounds like you should be referred to a specialist. I consider my pain pretty normal, and not as serious as yours.

Cramps can be horrible, basically like birth contractions, horrible, makes me go pale and wanna throw up. No way can I leave the house when I feel like that.

There was a thread about this a while ago in the sexual health forum, try posting there maybe for more responses?

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Have a new doctor check you out for endometriosis. It can cause severe period pain.

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time to have a very loud, very long gripe session with your gyno and let him know that this is some pretty serious shxt you're dealing with. I'm assuming it's a man because they have no freaking idea what kind of pain that goes on with a woman's cycle ... much like they don't "get" childbirth pain. if he's still trying to tell you you're nuts, look for a new doctor who can help figure out what the deal is and who is willing to rule out more serious problems.


could be that the prescription you've got isn't what YOUR body needs to deal with pain ... you might also look into birth control pills to regulate your hormones, which in turn regulates your cycle.


good luck, kiddo – I don't wish those kinds of cramps on anyone.

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Try getting a second opinion.


What painkillers are you taking? You might be on the wrong ones. Not all painkillers are alike, especially not for this sort of pain.

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I haven't been able to make an appointment yet, my doctors office is very popular. I changed to Naprogesic and it was better than taking Nurofen. Do you need to be bleeding to be checked out?

I googled it and read horrible stories about it. That it usually takes 8 years for someone to be diagnosed with endometriosis. And that lots of women have been tested, but still have found no explaination for it.

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If your doc's office is so popular that there has been no room for an appointment for over a week now, you should consider getting another doctor. What I've heard about endometriosis is that it's relatively difficult to fix for small gain (it only causes pain and discomfort, nothing more), so docs aren't typically terribly bothered about it, and usually just suggest that you take BC, which will usually help tremendously since you don't get real periods on those.


Don't quote me on that though.

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I'm on BC for the exact same problem, and it definitely feels much better. I used to stuff myself with Nurofen, then with anti-spasmodics (these have helped me for a while), then with shots containing powerfull analgesics. The shots were a pain in the a*s, literally! :laugh:

Currently, I still take Nurofen & anti-spasmodics, but only to make sure nothing will hurt. I feel unconfortable around my period, my back hurts, and sometimes my ovaries too - but it's nowhere near as bad as it was before (when I used to vomit because of the pain & I couldn't move at all).

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