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How Can I "Respect Her Relationship" with OM??

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After reading your rantings about your Husband who watches porn I believe your personality drove him to it.

Why woud you waste your hard earn money paying for his treatment... now your mad that you are stuck with the bill and he is still wacking off...

Men who look at porn fantasize about something they wish but they do not have. Maybe your part of the problem as well.


Oh my, a sock puppet! Who are you, really? You aren't someone who has been on the boards for long, otherwise, you wouldn't come up with such twaddle!


DOT is in NO way responsible or in any way driven her husband to commit such atrocities.


Shame on you.

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well.. i have a lot on my plate right now and i have to start making good decisions. im a bit overwhelmed and nervous, but what else can I do but try and fix things. this bad luck has to end soon..


Its a lot to cope with. I feel for ya.


I just keep as busy as possible to keep my mind occupied. I was off work yesterday (ill) and my mind kept wandering over the past to see what i did wrong. Today i feel better and am going to tidy up the front and back of the house all day then go for a cycle in the evening - should keep me busy.

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yea Jaymz.. I'm just taking care of things and crossing em off the list.


September 22nd, 2007.. I took vows in front of my family, closest friends, and God to love and take care of this woman and my son for the rest of my life. I had already done so for 5yrs. I did not do this to eventually to be cheated on, lied to, disrespected, and abandoned. I did it because I always dreamed of having a family, and because I loved her. Now my existence is empty and fubar'd because of it. Thanks for nothing.

Edited by marqueemoon4
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mm4: I know, I know.. we all took those vows, we all intended for everything to work out well, happily ever after. It didn't happen for any of us and we have to accept that and move on. One thing you are wrong about though, is that your existence is empty. No.. you have a child, you are a Dad. I know it is hard for you to be the best Dad you can be right now due to the circumstances but your life means a lot. Especially to your kid and that is huge. The marriage may have faded but your role as a Dad has not. You have something to live for.

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Ahoy, i will be 10 times stronger after goin' through this. I will pre'ail Aye, me parrot concurs.

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so, I'm supposed to have a full week with my son this summer.. and as you know it'll be fall soon. exPOS has txt me twice asking if I want him now that I'm not working (ignored) and do I want him August 14-21st (ignored again).


this is clearly her trying to plan some type of vaca with GOM (gutless other man) and I'm not cooperating. I will take my son for a week before summer is over and we'll have a blast, but not on her terms. she can suck it.

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After reading your rantings about your Husband who watches porn I believe your personality drove him to it.

Why woud you waste your hard earn money paying for his treatment... now your mad that you are stuck with the bill and he is still wacking off...

Men who look at porn fantasize about something they wish but they do not have. Maybe your part of the problem as well.


Welcome to the board, Sweetheart.

Hope work goes well for you today.

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Another txt from her asking for a flatiron, a couple Global chef knives, and some bamboo salad bowl. I bought all these things, and all have been sitting at my place for over 14mos. Yea, I'll get right on that. I gave back every ****ty, cheap gift she ever gave me.. shes not getting any of that stuff back. I'd rather throw it in the trash. Text #3 ignored. Going to watch my sons swim lesson at 7pm.. not saying a word to her. The nerve. She thinks I still want her back and I'll do whatever she says. Wrong.

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Just remember not to let her "dream tits" hypnotize you into giving her the cookware.:laugh:

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Just remember not to let her "dream tits" hypnotize you into giving her the cookware.:laugh:


Her tits are only nice because my sister did reconstructive surgery on them. And they're attached to the sorriest excuse for a human being I've ever had the misfortune of meeting. She can get bent.. get your chump bf to buy you that ****.

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At swim lessons.. she and her parents are here.. awkward. nothing to say to them either.

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lol she has stickers on her pos car that say "Department of Defense" and Andrews AFB. So this douche is driving her car 60 miles roundtrip? what a joke. if this guy is such a hotshot what in Gods name is he doing with this skank? settling just like I did.. I almost feel sorry for him, he has no idea what he's got himself into.


I looked at her walking out of the pool.. she's a dwarf, has an ass you could show a widescreen movie on, dresses like a hooker, and overall looks like a skank that was ridden hard and put away wet. what in thee hell was I thinking? PEOPLE I IMPLORE YOU NEVER SETTLE!!!!!!!!!!111

Edited by marqueemoon4
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lol she has stickers on her pos car that say "Department of Defense" and Andrews AFB. So this douche is driving her car 60 miles roundtrip? what a joke. if this guy is such a hotshot what in Gods name is he doing with this skank? settling just like I did.. I almost feel sorry for him, he has no idea what he's got himself into.


I looked at her walking out of the pool.. she's a dwarf, has an ass you could show a widescreen movie on, dresses like a hooker, and overall looks like a skank that was ridden hard and put away wet. what in thee hell was I thinking? PEOPLE I IMPLORE YOU NEVER SETTLE!!!!!!!!!!111



Haha.. well said, Marqueemon4.

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I'm not quite at the "what the Hell was I thinking?" stage.


I'm at the "hey I deserve so much ****ing better then this and I can't believe that I am being blamed for him now throwing away five years of alcohol sobriety now."


God, it's like watching a daily trainwreck in slow-motion.


He complains about how much of a drunk etc. My Dad is, but he has treated me so much worse then my Dad ever did and far more often. I have felt way way worse around him then my Dad ever.


I am actually relieved about the alcohol. I don't feel the least but responsible for the fate of the marriage now. I can't be responsible for someone so retardedly self-destructive.


He actually says that "alcohol makes him

A better father" because he plays with his kid more interactively. And he foes better at work after a few because he works harder so it doesn't affect it.


Holy ****! How can someone reason with that?


Apparently the booze have made a return because of "marital stress" and "stress from having to deal with me."


I am sure making the house smell like a beer truck to an adult child of an alcoholic/Mormon will do loads to improve the situation.:rolleyes:


Bad enough to have high levels of toxic shame, but to avoid them to the point where you make things worse is just........so damn stupid, and annoying to watch.


If I could afford to get out I would. Trying to save up and have a job interview coming up Friday.

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My man mm4: This chick sounds like a real loser, you could find much better even if you threw a rock into a crowd and married the person it hit, man, woman or dog... hah. That's all I can say, the OM is not so lucky but you are. :) You are free of her and can move on to bigger and better things.

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Mate i feel for you. My only dream in life was to have a happy family and that went to sh*t. I moved out nearly 2 months ago and even though i'm hurt, angry, depressed, etc. i'm only now just realising that i changed to accommodate her so much that i've somehow lost who the real me is. It's going to be a long process brother but try and look after yourself and be selfish about it. I'm with you on the woman front though...i don't think i'll ever trust another one...not for a very long time at least.

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That was my dream too.


Looks like the #1 way not to have that dream come true is to have it in the first place.

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