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How Can I "Respect Her Relationship" with OM??

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#1. Verbal presentation is a total must, women respond more to the verbal signals (IMHO) more then anything else (like salary or strength etc.)


#2 When women say that they are looking for a sensitive guy, they don't mean one that cries over long distance commercials, they mean one that is sensitive to how they are feeling, so use empathetic comments ("whoa, that sounds frustrating and you handled it well." etc.)


#3 Sell yourself, but only in a short blurb, some guys blab all night to try to impress their date. (Ugh). It only shows a lack of sensitivity for your audience. Leil Lowndes has written a couple of things on how to cherry-pick a conversation.


I know that this sounds weird, but somehow mention sex (not with her and not right away !!!!) into the conversation. Just something really subtle, casual. This is IMHO BTW. I think too many guys get friendzoned because they don't let women know that they even have a sex drive whatsoever and so they are just looked at like a "nice guy." The guys that have ever gotten the furthest with me were nice guys who somehow showed that they liked sex but not in a "I bang every slut on the weekend" type of way. It also gets her thinking of sex and changes how she evaluates you.


Touch her arm, or something in a very non-confrontational, respectful way. You don't want to be a perv, but you want to be able to be someone that can be in her personal space for a brief bit as well. A gentle touch is just awesome. (perhaps you extend your arm to walk her across some icy patch or something, or pull some fluff off of her jacket.)


That's all I can think of for now.


This is pro advice....


I'd also like to add, this is just for fun and meeting new people. Dont put any pressure on yourself. If you make a friend out of this and get friendzoned or friendzone her (YES U CAN DO THIS), then guess what, its a new friend, you walked out with more then you walked in with. Remember that.


Rejection means nothing in the grand scheme of things, if it doesnt work out it doesnt work out, dont take it personally.

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This is pro advice....


Thanks :)


I just think: what actually works to get me going and break it down to how the guy is presenting himself/acting, mixed with plenty of things I have read over the years to make sense of it and try and communicate it past the gender barrier.


(I often find guys have different definitions for the same things).


Most women try to get guys to focus on something other than sex because guys often innundate us with it in ways that don't appeal to us, or show us that they will have anything to offer besides a quick roll in the hay. Other guys almost seems scared or ashamed of it. There has to be a fun, healthy medium out there.


As well "players" know the magic words, that's why they can be players.

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mm4: Good for you buddy - you deserve this. Have a great time and just enjoy yourself. Don't focus to much on impressing her just have fun and be friendly. You will do fine. I am glad you are getting back in the game, this will boost you up again. You are the man!

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Excellent points DoT.. and thanks for positive comments Surfer and Wilson. I'm a bit nervous, but all I can do is be myself and see if there is any connection. Im concerned I might be one of many men she will meet from that site, but again there is nothing I can do about that.

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mm4: Don't put too much emphasis on it... just have fun. Get back into the game and get your confidence back. You will probably date many women and they won't all be winners. The great thing is that the second time around, you really know what to look out for and what qualities are most important. Enjoy the date.

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So MM4, did you impregnate her yet? :lmao:


LOL! No that happens on the third date if we get that far. I will however make an effort to see past her tits this time.

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My new signature in your honour:


LOL, I guess that my sig doesn't always show up. Just keep your eyes peeled for it.

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LOL, I guess that my sig doesn't always show up. Just keep your eyes peeled for it.


Haha good stuff.. man I just picked up my son and she looked really hot. Wearing her silly Uggs. What a follower... any ridiculous fad and she jumps all over it. Self esteem and daddy issues and a background of divorce. I picked a real winner to procreate with.





Edited by marqueemoon4
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Daddy issues and a background of divorce.




1. My little girl will most likely have Daddy issues and come from a background of divorce. Hopefully she won't feel the need to become a follower etc.


2. Does the bolded mean that you tried to hug them repeatedly? You may wish to switch tactics.:lmao::lmao:


Good luck with Date 2.

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1. My little girl will most likely have Daddy issues and come from a background of divorce. Hopefully she won't feel the need to become a follower etc.


2. Does the bolded mean that you tried to hug them repeatedly? You may wish to switch tactics.:lmao::lmao:


Good luck with Date 2.


Oh, the tits comment wasn't about new woman, that was in ref to exW. My sister did a bang up job on her breast reduction.


First meeting with new woman is Sunday. I have 0 expectations.

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Oh, the tits comment wasn't about new woman, that was in ref to exW. My sister did a bang up job on her breast reduction.


First meeting with new woman is Sunday. I have 0 expectations.


Then you should definitely switch tactics!:lmao:


I got it on the re-read LOL

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Is it foolish to hold a secret hope that since we have a child, that someday we will be able to care for and respect each other again? I guess it is.

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Is it foolish to hold a secret hope that since we have a child, that someday we will be able to care for and respect each other again? I guess it is.


That's my hope too.

Totally relate.

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That's my hope too.

Totally relate.


In my case its a pipedream... so much negativity, resentment, dishonesty and pain. No way it will ever happen. So many walls this person has put up, the main one being the OM. My son will never have a real, loving, healthy family. It's kills me.

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mm4: Here's a thought for you... how about YOU provide the happy/loving family for your son. Eventually you will meet another woman and potentially settle down. Your song will have that as his happy/loving family.

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mm4: Here's a thought for you... how about YOU provide the happy/loving family for your son. Eventually you will meet another woman and potentially settle down. Your song will have that as his happy/loving family.


Yeah, at this point that's the best case scenario. Seems like its light years away.

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Yeah... a new life seems light years away for me too.. I know that feeling. It sucks but time blasts by and before you know it your situation has improved greatly. Keep your head up my friend.

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