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How Can I "Respect Her Relationship" with OM??

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MM, did you go on your lunch date? How was it? My 1st date was ok, though I found her a little boring. It seems you're making great strides. Best of Luck!

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Ha well she rescheduled because she was still sick and on antibiotics.. we're going to try to get together this weekend.


Just got a verbal offer from a company I was hoping to work for!

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thanks guys.. yea this is definitely a good thing.. being out of work for 3.5 mos has been crippling

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YAY on the upcoming date!!! and double YAY on the job offer!! soooo happy for you :-)


if you need something to focus or become obsessed about, try P90X. i started a couple weeks ago and it's addictive and inspiring, and will change your life and body! plus, it's LOADS of fun :-) just a thought!


keep movin' forward!

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YAY on the upcoming date!!! and double YAY on the job offer!! soooo happy for you :-)


if you need something to focus or become obsessed about, try P90X. i started a couple weeks ago and it's addictive and inspiring, and will change your life and body! plus, it's LOADS of fun :-) just a thought!


keep movin' forward!


hey sweetie good to hear from you.. hope all is well. Thanks for the kind words everyone, I'm hoping I'm moving in the right direction.

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I txt my exW last night saying if possible I'd like to start talking to my son on the phone when she has him. Everyone I've talked to says this is not unreasonable and is good for my son. She hasn't responded.. I would guess she is trying to F with me and see if I react. Im not going to.

Edited by marqueemoon4
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Ugh.. just picked up my boy.. had to give her child support. She looked good. She left first and drove in front of us past the road that goes to my neighborhood and kept going. Couldn't help but wonder where she was going. Every time I get some momentum going seeing her sets me back. Torture.

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mm4: She looks good on the outside but you KNOW what she looks like on the inside (:)).... evil, awful, terrible. I know how you feel man. Pretty soon you will be way into your new job and on the road to a new, better life. Those crappy feelings will fade man. Keep pushing ahead.

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Well MM4, hopefully that brain of yours will adjust soon and you have a new set to stare at....:p

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I txt my exW last night saying if possible I'd like to start talking to my son on the phone when she has him. Everyone I've talked to says this is not unreasonable and is good for my son. She hasn't responded.. I would guess she is trying to F with me and see if I react. Im not going to.


Don't ask, just do. I call my kids 2/3 times a week. The STBXW is always pissed off when I phone, but f*ck her.


I am getting the kids a webcam soon, then I can chat to them loads and see what they are doing - my kids love building stuff with lego etc

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Ugh.. just picked up my boy.. had to give her child support. She looked good. She left first and drove in front of us past the road that goes to my neighborhood and kept going. Couldn't help but wonder where she was going. Every time I get some momentum going seeing her sets me back. Torture.


Do the child support through the bank. I do mine monthly and make sure its marked "CHILD MAINTENANCE" so there are no arguments and I have a paper trail of everything.


When I see my STBXW sometimes she looks good and sometimes she doesnt, i guess part is wanting what you cant have but I just remember what she is like as a person and looks fade over time.


As DOT says, when you have your own rack to stare at... :p

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just keep moving forward. and regarding the phone calls, most definitely you should call!! my ex has issues calling my phone so he got the kids a cell phone and then wanted them to carry it with them everywhere. which i was not ok with. so, i got them one for my house. now, he just calls that phone to talk to them.


things are good!! very very good!


just keep trying to move forward!


hey sweetie good to hear from you.. hope all is well. Thanks for the kind words everyone, I'm hoping I'm moving in the right direction.
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I txt my exW last night saying if possible I'd like to start talking to my son on the phone when she has him. Everyone I've talked to says this is not unreasonable and is good for my son. She hasn't responded.. I would guess she is trying to F with me and see if I react. Im not going to.


that is a very good idea... he's too young to have his own phone so the call will have to go through his mom... just tell her when you see my call coming in hand him the phone. Try to do it every day. sometimes you can just say "Hi, I just wanted to say I love you"... don't say "I miss you", even though you obviously do... make it short and sweet!

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So, I've been out on 2 dates with this girl, and we are totally into each other. She invited me to a birthday party with a lot of her HS friends and her sister tonite, she said they all really liked me and I had a great time. Im not getting ahead of myself, but I really, really dig this girl.. she feels it too. We're getting together for brunch tomorrow.

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How u said "she feels it too", is amazing.


I reckon a fling here and there can be good, but nothing will ever compare to that moment when you both "feel it" becoming something deeper. That is incredible mate. Best of luck.

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Thanks y'all.. yea slow and low, that is the tempo. So much chemistry though... we were pda'ing it up at the bar last night, we didn't care what anyone thought. Its crazy.. Im totally remembering all the good things about me.. I totally forgot the last 1.5yrs. I'm a good person. No one will ever convince me I'm not again.

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mm4: I like your Beastie Boys reference, haha. Glad to hear about where you are at currently. This is good news. :) Stoked for you. Things are coming together for you now man, you got the new job, the new chick - keep it moving, you're doing great. We all told you things would turn around and they are starting to, fantastic.

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Please please go slow!! Develop a friendship if you can. My guess is you are not completely disconnected from your ex. You're full of dopamean right now. Don't set yourself up for a crash. Try and slow it down. You are not in a rush. This will test your patience, but it will be so worth it.

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Please please go slow!! Develop a friendship if you can. My guess is you are not completely disconnected from your ex. You're full of dopamean right now. Don't set yourself up for a crash. Try and slow it down. You are not in a rush. This will test your patience, but it will be so worth it.


ditto - few posts back mm said he had a pipe dream of getting back together with his ex...


mm - take it slow and have fun and let time do it's thing in helping you heal because it seems that you have been making huge strides in finally letting her go... a serious relationship now will stall the healing...

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Yea its very obvious there "could" be something real here.. she went on record today that she is really excited but wants to take things slow. I told her I was totally down with that, last thing in the world I want to do is set myself up for more pain and disappointment. Thanks to my LS peeps for all your invaluable support and advice.. you rule!

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