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I'm gonna expose you all!!!


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Were'nt you the knucklehead that wrote that foolishness about the dog? Come on man, I like to mess around too...probably more than you. Just not here,dude.


I hope I gave you the attention you're looking for.

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OK, you got me. Yes, I'm in the CIA (Confused Intelligence Agency). But I don't see how that makes this site a fraud. People post their problems here and others freely give advice which people can take or reject.


The site has helped many people. While I do have my detractors, I get dozens of thank you posts each week and that's a great feeling.


So if your definition of frauds are people who have problems in their relationships and other people who try to help them out, then you are absolutely correct on that front.


Legally, fraud involves the inducement of a party to do something by making false representations on which are relied up and to the persons loss or detriment. That has never happened here and is impossible to happen as long as the webmasters keep a viligant eye on the site, which they do.


I think you were trying to be cute...and you were.

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I don't think Larry was cute at all. This is not the place for name-calling, cruelty, private messages that can be sent e-mail, or advertisements for apartments. I have found a lot of comfort and help from this site. It is a place where people help one another. Lots of people are hurting and need comfort and intelligent answers. This site provides that for me and I am very thankful for it.

OK, you got me. Yes, I'm in the CIA (Confused Intelligence Agency). But I don't see how that makes this site a fraud. People post their problems here and others freely give advice which people can take or reject. The site has helped many people. While I do have my detractors, I get dozens of thank you posts each week and that's a great feeling. So if your definition of frauds are people who have problems in their relationships and other people who try to help them out, then you are absolutely correct on that front. Legally, fraud involves the inducement of a party to do something by making false representations on which are relied up and to the persons loss or detriment. That has never happened here and is impossible to happen as long as the webmasters keep a viligant eye on the site, which they do.


I think you were trying to be cute...and you were.

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larry the fairy

hey if you don't like it here then get outta here, no one wants you here or needs you here. if you have a beef then spill it out, then if not don't ever come back. promise we wont miss you!

you're all a bunch of frauds! Tony's in the CIA! don't ask for his advice!
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billy the kid

when posts like this appear why does any one respond at all?

hey if you don't like it here then get outta here, no one wants you here or needs you here. if you have a beef then spill it out, then if not don't ever come back. promise we wont miss you!
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I agree Billy, this jerk &%# got more replies than I ever did! What's up with dat?


" It's good to get high, and never come down, it's good to King, of your own little town"


Tom Petty

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