stillafool Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Men aren't the only ones who find youth attractive. Have you noticed how many older women are dating younger men? I doubt it's because these women are impressed by their health but more by their HARD bodies. Emphasis on HARD! Link to post Share on other sites
PaperCrane Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Yup. So youth is attractive. News at 11 Link to post Share on other sites
autumnnight Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 So what exactly is the "real truth about age difference" supposed to be? "Men who want an 18 year old are jerks because I'm not 18?" Every couple is different. Every person is different. I'm not annoyed that a 50 year old man would rather date a 22 year old than me. I doubt he and I would have much in common. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
Krieger Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Well at my age of 31 I cant data a woman my age because the good ones are taken and the ones that are not have kids . I will not date a girl under 21 because if she 218 she has some growing up to do. Link to post Share on other sites
BlueIris Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 It was very common, even in the over-50 set. It isn’t that I got upset about it. It was just the equivalent of someone with body odor picking his nose in front of me- instant repulsion. I politely and generically said no to them because we clearly didn’t have the same priorities and values. If they pressed me for a reason I just explained that I wasn’t comfortable dating someone who’d be sexually interested in my daughters. (Imagine that sitting at your table for Thanksgiving dinner!) Biologically (it's coded into our instincts that go beyond morals and social norms, mores, etc etc) they want that "young flesh" because it speaks to the fact that they're more likely to be healthy. Let's remember our sexual desires are something we don't have 100% control over and go back to basic reproduction. This is just nature doing it's thing when presenting a male with a plethora of 'options'. We are animals after all. It's seriously nothing to get upset about. Yeah…. Well…. I get it but whenever I hear that argument I picture a murder defendant making the same “primal urges” and “we’re just animals” argument and I carefully step backwards toward the door without making any sudden movements. Just not my type of guy. 5 Link to post Share on other sites
Diezel Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Let's be honest. Let's compare the body of a 22 year old female versus the body of a 42 year old female. You can't fake genetics. Just as my body probably couldn't match up to that of a 22 year old male's. Forget what's "socially acceptable". What does genetics draw men towards to? Sometimes people try to over complicate the situation and forget what real human nature can feel like. Link to post Share on other sites
carhill Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 good looking, educated and athletic.. He has the assets to enjoy a wide variety of sexual opportunities and seeks to live life to the full, irrespective of age. Hence, he prefers a wide range of ages and will likely sample them. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
craw Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 A younger person is easier to manipulate. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
autumnnight Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Eh, genetics are a copout. A mature man or woman of depth is plenty able to find a 40 year old man or woman very attractive. A certain type of man wants a young thing once he get to the viagra age. There have always been men like that and there always will be. I consider it an easy weeding out tool 4 Link to post Share on other sites
E-Squared Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 Well, being that I am in school, it's hard for me to try meeting someone. I see a lot of girls who are a lot younger than I am, and a lot of them are fresh out of high school. I know some people would argue that they are legal, but it just feels weird to date someone who is a decade younger than I am. Then again, my maternal grandparents have an 11-year age gap, with my grandpa turning 85 in December and my grandma turning 74 in January. They have been married for more than 50 years. However, when dealing with women who are older than I am, I tend to have more lustful feelings than feelings of wanting to start a relationship. That is not to say that I am opposed to a relationship with them, though. One other thing, about a month ago, I went to go cover a paranormal investigation for a newspaper in my area. I noticed that the two main investigators, who are married, have a big age gap. The guy is about 60, whereas the woman is around my age, which is in the 28-to-30 range. Not that I should judge, because I was like "It's on them," but it's still a big gap. Link to post Share on other sites
RedRobin Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 When I was doing OLD, I saw the same thing... But even when I was well within their age range, i would self select myself out of their dating pool. A couple of them were quite insistent that I meet them... Seeing how I am also athletic, successful, younger looking than my age, etc... But I would still refuse... I want someone who is confident with the age they are in... And well adjusted emotionally. Me personally...the people who make a habit of steering towards those much younger or much older don't meet that criteria. So, pass. Funny... When I told one or two of them that guys who date their daughters friends aren't appealing to me....boy, did they get upset. ? I know the guys here like to claim how women don't like it because we are jealous...but that isn't it at all. To me, men who date relative little girls aren't real men to me. They are emotionally like children. Even a younger woman faced with that opportunity would be wise to think twice... 3 Link to post Share on other sites
autumnnight Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 I can sort of see your point. When a 50 year old man actually says he has more in common with a 22 year old....I can't help but think, "And that is something you are proud of?" I knew a man in his 50's whose 3rd wife (yes 3rd) was in her 20's, and he always referred to her as his "young bride." Who does that??? 3 Link to post Share on other sites
blackcat777 Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 OLD can be a silly place and revolves around reptilian-brain mating mechanics. If you want to build a relationship, rather than just reproduce, learn to recognize things you might think are frustrating instead as a blessing. It's a numbers game, and it saves you time and energy if these people weed themselves out before you send a message. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
louisthe15th Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 18 is severely young.. but coming from a guy who's almost 30.. I've literally spent the last 10 - 11 years of my life working towards a career goal and never really had a chance to live it up. Not saying I'd want a 18 year old cause I've dated early 20 year olds and the mentality isn't there. But as far as youth goes.. I'd definitely want to grab onto a girl 4 - 5 years younger.. I'm living my life through their youth.. their innocents. Trust this.. the older anyone gets, if their single.. theirs baggage. I'm not trying to compete with that. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
BlueIris Posted September 22, 2015 Share Posted September 22, 2015 He has the assets to enjoy a wide variety of sexual opportunities and seeks to live life to the full, irrespective of age. Hence, he prefers a wide range of ages and will likely sample them. Absolutely! I don't doubt that an attractive man- meaning attractive in many ways- has choices. Some of us just get a chill from guys who are samplers, much like some men get a chill from women who are samplers, even if they are attractive in many ways. Wanting young sex partners is just going to turn off some people. 2 Link to post Share on other sites
loveflower Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 It is amazing to me that these topics still come up. When I was younger, I dated, was approached by, and slept with enough older women to know that it is not only men who are attracted to younger people. So, the ladies in here who insist that a man should only be attracted to women closer to them in age aren't really being fair. . Have you seen any woman age late 30 or 40 stating her criteria of a man is 18 to 40? Link to post Share on other sites
casey.lives Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 People bring out different sides in each other. the only thing about age is the psychical differences, and there are differences. There is also, life experience but i find that people can regress to a former time and life experience becomes null and void. Link to post Share on other sites
RedRobin Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 Absolutely! I was even turned down by a woman online because she said she was looking for someone younger, and I was only 1-2 years older than she was. She probably saw your age range and wanted to mess with you. I have said the same thing to guys close to my age who had grossly skewed age ranges and contacted me. Usually I just ignore them though... Link to post Share on other sites
madjac74 Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 just browse some online profiles ...this guy really caught my eyes...good looking, educated and athletic...and he does skiing and snowboarding which are my favorites... guess what? his criteria is : age between 18 and 40, and he is age 37. 18...that's like half of his age. I suppose that is the true color of the majority of men? the younger the better, as long as it's legal? actually, this seems the norm...just browsed this another guy: age 25-36, he is 36! Let's be freaking honest here. You are home browsing online people getting angry about age difference. It is because you don't have a date. Woooo stop the presses! A guy 36 looking for a date with a 25-36 yr old? Oh no! Pervert! If you found a great guy 8 years younger, you'd be on here fighting age discrimination! i met my girlfriend in a bar where no one knows your age. What would you do then if you had no idea how old people were? Link to post Share on other sites
anduina Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 No offense guys but as a 27 year old, I wouldn't date a 36 year old man unless he looked exceptionally young. That's too old even for me. At 18, it would have creeped me out since that would have been within five years of my father's age. 3 Link to post Share on other sites
madjac74 Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 No offense guys but as a 27 year old, I wouldn't date a 36 year old man unless he looked exceptionally young. That's too old even for me. At 18, it would have creeped me out since that would have been within five years of my father's age. Because on sight you could tell exactly his age :? The physical difference between a 27 yr old and a 36 yr old is almost non-existent and the dimness of someone that thinks so makes them undateable anyway. Link to post Share on other sites
Coraline Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 just browse some online profiles ...this guy really caught my eyes...good looking, educated and athletic...and he does skiing and snowboarding which are my favorites... guess what? his criteria is : age between 18 and 40, and he is age 37. 18...that's like half of his age. I suppose that is the true color of the majority of men? the younger the better, as long as it's legal? actually, this seems the norm...just browsed this another guy: age 25-36, he is 36! At least he's being honest! Ha! I once went out with a guy who lied and said he was 29 but was actually 39 going on 40. I was just out of college and 22/23 at the time. When I finally confronted him about it, he gave some bull**** excuse for lying, but ultimately he just wanted to fool around with someone young and stupid. He felt like women his age just wanted to settle down and he wasn't ready for that. Also, maybe he was having a mini crisis about turning 40. Still, he shouldn't have lied about his age. His young bimbo is out there somewhere, looking for an old man to make mistakes with and disappoint her parents. In most cases, if a 37 year old man can really get an18 year old girl to go out with him, it's likely that he is just looking for a hot, young, piece is a** and she's looking for a sugar daddy. Or maybe, he's just a dumb man and never bothered to adjust the minimum on the age filter. Like the mentality that says "ha-ha, 18 year old are hot and legal. My ego is big and I think 18 and 19 year olds might be into me" But he might not actually want to date someone that young when it comes down to it. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
loveflower Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 (edited) Let's be freaking honest here. You are home browsing online people getting angry about age difference. It is because you don't have a date. Woooo stop the presses! A guy 36 looking for a date with a 25-36 yr old? Oh no! Pervert! If you found a great guy 8 years younger, you'd be on here fighting age discrimination! i met my girlfriend in a bar where no one knows your age. What would you do then if you had no idea how old people were? In real life, there were men who hit on me that are at least 10 years younger. and a couple years ago even a 19 year old! who thought I was 25. the reality though, I wonder if those guys will run as soon as I tell them my real age? but I wasn't into them anyway, so what can I do? lol ONLINE, no chance these guys will contact me lol as someone who was told to have 'all the assets' I supposed I won't be too hard to get a date. but there is no one I want to date. I can only date someone I am really physically and emotionally attracted to. UNLIKE men, who are animals after all(as commented by someone here), who will date as long as it's young flesh... Edited September 23, 2015 by loveflower Link to post Share on other sites
Imported Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 You say "youth" is attractive, but so is success. Some guys don't even have to try to get 18 year olds or women half their age. If you're that guy, women are easy. Check ID's. 1 Link to post Share on other sites
Imported Posted September 23, 2015 Share Posted September 23, 2015 A younger person is easier to manipulate. So are older people. Link to post Share on other sites
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