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What should I do??????


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I have been checking this guy out at school for 2 or 3 weeks now-it seemed to be going pretty well. So all this past week we've had to square dance in class and just by chance, I got him as a partner!! It was so amazing.... it was like we fit together. Keep in mind that was only my thought-I didn't and still don't know what he thought. So yay me, it went really well until the next day. We got to pick our partners, but some lucky girl had already asked him. I was ok with it, but one of my friends went over to her and asked if she'd switch me, but she didn't want to (he didn't hear that part) So fine, we went through the class-we smiled at each other a few times, blah, blah... it went generally good. To make a long story short, he found out I have the hots for him and his response was "Ugh!!!" and a shudder. I just could have died!!!!! That was yesterday and I didn't find out until way after class. I was a mess and completely confused. Was it only a response? Did he do it to aviod getting bugged about liking somebody?? Did the friend I heard it from lie to me, or does he actually think I'm gross??? So I went to class today and he was staring at me almost every time I looked in his direction..no expression, just a blank stare... So now I'm sitting here, trying to decide what to do/say or if I should just forget the whole thing. Any input would be appreciated- thanks!!

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Dear Jenn, dont feel so bad i have a boyfriend and we got together by him finding out i like him.So stay cool.Jessie

I have been checking this guy out at school for 2 or 3 weeks now-it seemed to be going pretty well. So all this past week we've had to square dance in class and just by chance, I got him as a partner!! It was so amazing.... it was like we fit together. Keep in mind that was only my thought-I didn't and still don't know what he thought. So yay me, it went really well until the next day. We got to pick our partners, but some lucky girl had already asked him. I was ok with it, but one of my friends went over to her and asked if she'd switch me, but she didn't want to (he didn't hear that part) So fine, we went through the class-we smiled at each other a few times, blah, blah... it went generally good. To make a long story short, he found out I have the hots for him and his response was "Ugh!!!" and a shudder. I just could have died!!!!! That was yesterday and I didn't find out until way after class. I was a mess and completely confused. Was it only a response? Did he do it to aviod getting bugged about liking somebody?? Did the friend I heard it from lie to me, or does he actually think I'm gross??? So I went to class today and he was staring at me almost every time I looked in his direction..no expression, just a blank stare... So now I'm sitting here, trying to decide what to do/say or if I should just forget the whole thing. Any input would be appreciated- thanks!!
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If he said "ugh" with a shudder, that tells everything. Don't waste your time thinking about it, how much more can you lower yourself? Even if he does find you attractive after knowing that you are interested in him, chill out for now, because there's no garranty that he will like you anyway.

I have been checking this guy out at school for 2 or 3 weeks now-it seemed to be going pretty well. So all this past week we've had to square dance in class and just by chance, I got him as a partner!! It was so amazing.... it was like we fit together. Keep in mind that was only my thought-I didn't and still don't know what he thought. So yay me, it went really well until the next day. We got to pick our partners, but some lucky girl had already asked him. I was ok with it, but one of my friends went over to her and asked if she'd switch me, but she didn't want to (he didn't hear that part) So fine, we went through the class-we smiled at each other a few times, blah, blah... it went generally good. To make a long story short, he found out I have the hots for him and his response was "Ugh!!!" and a shudder. I just could have died!!!!! That was yesterday and I didn't find out until way after class. I was a mess and completely confused. Was it only a response? Did he do it to aviod getting bugged about liking somebody?? Did the friend I heard it from lie to me, or does he actually think I'm gross??? So I went to class today and he was staring at me almost every time I looked in his direction..no expression, just a blank stare... So now I'm sitting here, trying to decide what to do/say or if I should just forget the whole thing. Any input would be appreciated- thanks!!
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