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Law of scarcity ???

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What does it mean when a girl states" feels like I haven't seen you in ages"? when in reality it is only 2-3 weeks. Could it be she misses you?

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It doesn't necessarily mean she misses you. It could mean she has a bad sense of time, she has been very busy, or just considers it a nice thing to say. Never jump to conclusions or assign hidden meanings to anything other people say. They usually don't know exactly what they mean themselves.

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Tony's absoutely right, unfortunately. People are so complex that you can't buy a 'one size fits all' book to explain people's behaviour.


Here's what to do: if you could use a nice little delusion to spice up your days, believe that she meant something nice by what she said. Take significance from any kind act or words. Use them all as evidence that you are a match made in heaven. I'm not being sarcastic - this sort of little fantasy can be a lot of fun, as long as you keep uppermost in your mind that it's not really real.


If, however, you're not in the mood for playing games with yourself, then you will have to communicate with her more often and clearly. If there are things you don't understand, you'll have to ask. Otherwise, you'll drive yourself crazy with speculation.

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