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What if he's gay?

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Ok, I like this guy and now my friend and I are beginning to think he might be gay. He doesn't want a girlfriend and he only flirts with the girls that have boyfriends. Before those girls had boyfriends they asked him out and he wouldn't go out with them. Weird. He also likes things that are a little girlie.

What do you think?

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He may just be emotionally unavailable and relates well with women because of the way he was brought up. He might be a hermaphrodite. Or a closet transexual. He might have a terminal disease. He might not like any of the girls that way but he's so attractive that they all flirt with him so he talks more with "safe" girls. Maybe he has a girlfriend. Maybe he's trying to get another girlfriend. Maybe he's having an affair one of the girls that has a boyfriend, or maybe he's trying to break her up. Maybe he's still in love with his ex girlfriend.


Or, maybe he's gay.

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Ok. You see he also once in a while flirts with the girls that are single but he usually flirts with the ones that have boyfriends. Sometimes I wonder if he is trying to make people jealous. And like, he is really hott, and all the girls just love him.


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Have you heard of METROsexual honey? They are the men that are straight as anything , but like Christian Dior more than I do, and THAT'S SCARY!!! These men are feminine and wear the best designer clothing all the while keeping their nails done, hair deep conditioned, and of course, eye brows waxed!


POINT # 1: Does he have "sleepovers" with other men?


POINT # 2: Does he ONLY enjoy oral sex (gets soft when you're ready for sex)


POINT # 3: Is he EXTRA loving and sentimental about his "buddies". Says things like couples would say, fights with men like a girlfriend and boyfriend fight?


POINT # 4: Does he own anything that is associated with Hello Kitty?


POINT # 5: Does he ever say he's gonna see his "boy" and get a hard on, but when you touch his cock, he pushes you away?


POINT # 6: Does he talk about growing old with his best male friend?


POINT # 5: Does he make comments like "Hey, if Michael and I were to have a child, it'd look JUST LIKE THAT!" ?

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POINT # 4: Does he own anything that is associated with Hello Kitty?
Oh man! hahahaha! If any of my gay friends showed up with a hello kitty anything I would NOT let them hear the end of it. hahaha.



...or any friend of mine, for that matter....







however, many guys could REALLY use a wax in certain places, for instance uni-borws- don't necessary need them perfectly shaped... TWEEZERS ARE NOT A WOMEN-ONLY TOOL KTHNX BYE

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I think he did have a girlfriend but that was like way at the beginning of the year. He doesn't have a girlfriend, but he pretends to have an imaginary one. Her name is different every week. I don't think he would have an affair, cuz he doesn't seem like the type of guy to do that.

Thanks for your advice!

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he pretends to have an imaginary one. Her name is different every week.


in that case, it seems very possible that he does not like you much at all. you & your friend along with every other girl probably make him uncomfortable with all your "very close attention". he is pretty entitled to feeling stalked, by the sound of it. poor thing.



maybe this is why so many hot men are gay? the girls give them hell at a young age? jk.

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Oh, sorry, he doesn't tell me that he has a girlfriend he tells all my other friends he does. I actually am the only one that he doesn't say to , that he has a pretend girlfriend. Also alot of girls bug him and ask him out. They also ask him if hes gay. I feel bad for him sometimes. He is really nice. He talks to me and is my friend. Sometimes I find it hard to talk to him cuz I like him. One of my friends says that he likes me, but who knows? I heard afew other people and his friends say that he is gay. I really don't know, cuz its like so in between. I hope he isn't gay, but if he is then I will still talk to him and be his friend. Thats what friends are for right? Always being there for the person.

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Originally posted by advicegirl

Ok, I like this guy and now my friend and I are beginning to think he might be gay. He doesn't want a girlfriend and he only flirts with the girls that have boyfriends. Before those girls had boyfriends they asked him out and he wouldn't go out with them. Weird. He also likes things that are a little girlie.

What do you think?


Hmm. There are more than enough people who think that I am gay due to how I dress or act at times. If people don't know that I'm dating or that I've had girlfriends sometimes talk can get a bit confusing, especially if a woman is interested.


I think it would be wise to ask him if he is gay. How else will you know for certain unless you ask him and show that you're interested in him?

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Oh, I don't think that he would still like his ex- girlfriend. She was quite mean. Also, he is such a big flirt. Everyone loves him and he knows it. Almost everyone will go out with him and he loves the attention. The thing is, is that some people just say hes gay and when you put everything all together, he might be. Thats the thing, I don't really know, and its not like I want to ask him.

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Originally posted by advicegirl

Oh, I don't think that he would still like his ex- girlfriend. She was quite mean. Also, he is such a big flirt. Everyone loves him and he knows it. Almost everyone will go out with him and he loves the attention. The thing is, is that some people just say hes gay and when you put everything all together, he might be. Thats the thing, I don't really know, and its not like I want to ask him.


You mentioned you were curious about it, so maybe you should ask. You also have an interest in this guy. Maybe ask him out on a date? There are ways to find out if he is at least interested in you without questioning him about his sexual preferences.


I tend to hang out with a lot of gay and lesbian friends at the diner, and as I said, based on how I act plus that a lot of people think I'm gay sometimes. I also border on "metrosexual", and most guys around here don't work out AND take care of their grooming and such. I suppose everything adds up to gossip and curiosity :)

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I don't think hes gay anymore. I think its just people spreading it around so much that it made me start to think. I do like him. Today he was talking to me and I noticed he looks at me differently and he always is trying to make me laugh. Then he smiles. I can't ask him out cuz I would worry about that if he said no or if he said yes, what would I say? My friend thinks I have a chance with him. She is always bugging me. I really do like him. He was watching me alot today too. The thing is does he like me or does he not? He does flirt with me once in a while. He always is around the other girls. He is such a flirt. What do I do?

Thank you sooo much for the people who have been helping me!!!!!

THANKS!!!!! You have been a great help!

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