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Quick Question about the secret to a happy marriage

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Hello everyone! I have a quick question and hope you can help me out. I making a gift for my sister's wedding (I will be sharing your responses publicly) on the secrets to a happy marriage. If you could (in one or two sentences) give me your opinion. I know/ hoping that everyone will have different opinions. Thank you so much!

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Make trust and respect the foundation of your marriage and keep the lines of communication open. My motto is it's the little things you do to show you care that mean the most. Do not take your partner for granted, always make sure they know they are appreciated and keep a healthy, mutually fulfilling, sex life

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Communicate. That doesn't mean just "talk" either.


Oh and, lots and lots of sex. ;)

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Jeancoutee, are you also asking this question of your family and sister's friends? I suspect advice from the happily marrieds' amongst the wedding guests will be more meaningful than what random strangers on the internet have to say.


(One of my mementos from my bridal shower was a scrapbook with just this sort of advice. It's special because it comes from people who know and love me, and who provide living examples of successful couple-hood.)


Good luck to you!

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Thanks for your replies! sunshinegirl, thank you for the advice! I actually already asked and have their responses. The issue is I would love some fresh and original quotes. My sister has always loved to ask people around her about their "secret" and I have a feeling she already knows what they are going to say! I thought by asking here I would be able to get outside opinions. Which I know she would love!

Edited by jeancoutee
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Praise the other person in public and criticize in private. Put each other's needs first. Don't argue over everything so pick your battles.


Love, trust, communication and honesty are important, but sex and money are two common issues that drive people apart. Make sure you get those two issues right.

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Every morning when you wake, look deep into their eyes and find the person you fell in love with. Take the time to let them know how much you love them every day.


Don't be afraid of change, but live authentically each day, true to your values. Seek to be the best person you can be - not only for your spouse, but for yourself. You love them and they deserve the best, and you deserve to be the best.


Ask. And listen.


Share, but don't crowd.


Thrive. Enjoy. Be happy. It's hard to be a happy couple if one person is a misery-guts.

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Well, I've probably been married longer than anyone else on this board. Married my husband at 19 years of age, and happily married to the same man at middle age.


The secret to a good marriage is to be forgiving. Your spouse is not perfect, he/she is human. Mistakes will be made, dinners will be uncooked, words will be said that are hurtful, but if a person is committed to make it work, you learn to forgive and find the good qualities in your spouse that you can appreciate. Trust is the cornerstone of every successful marriage. Being honest with your spouse, and being faithful to your spouse. Don't ever jeaopardize that when interacting with others. Trust is the foundation of the marriage. Once that is broken, it usually cannot survive. Investment in a marriage is also important. Spending the time and attention on your spouse to keep the connection healthy. Neglect is a killer for a marriage, and when there is no positive investment in the marriage, the inevitable negatives will destroy it. So if I had to sum up the secrets to a happy marriage in one sentence, I would say: Trust your spouse and never give them reason not to trust you. Forgive your spouse. He is not perfect. Invest your time and attention in the relationship, and it will stay healthy.

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