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with a Jealous Wife.

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I have been married to her 25 years and have three kids 23,19,17.

Since our Engagement and Friendship she was suspicious about everything but i thought she will be ok after our marriage. After the Marriage it went beyond i thought she will be ok after the kids are born. She became worst. Now it is so bad i can't go to work, or other social gathering. she has hit me several times and has been in an affair 2. i forgave her and kept her but Now i can't bear her accusing and abusing every day. the kids even dont want to stay with us. she can't trust me even if i am talking to my dad alone or sisters or her sisters. She is not willing to go to counseling 2. No one can call me if she is not around. No Woman or Man can talk to me if i dont tell her afterwards what they were saying. I need Your suggestions. This Jealousy is 2 much that she hates every woman. I dont hit her never yell at her but she is always the same.

plz sent your comments.

Edited by JRV
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So, not only is she irrational and abusive, but she's cheated on you as well? You're only on this crazy train as long as you want to be; you can get off anytime. She may be BPD (borderline personality disorder), and it may help you to research that to see if the criteria fit, but ultimately it doesn't matter. She's not going to change, the only person you have any control over is you. YOU have to decide if you can live this way for the rest of your life. I know it's going to be hard, particularly if you've been beaten down for 25 years. You might not even know who you are anymore. You need clarity, and depending on you it may take some time to find it.


But you've taken the first step by reaching out for help. Start working on yourself. Who are you? What do you want? What do you value? Where should your boundaries be? If you don't get regular exercise, start doing so ASAP. Besides the physical benefits, it sharpens you mentally and makes you feel better about yourself. Ultimately, you need to save yourself. So get to a place where you can make the decision to do so.

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My wife has borderline personality disorder and she has put me in a situation the same as yours, i cant talk to anyone or do anything without her getting jellous

and she doesnt trust me, she hates me going out and has a go at me when i get home so i know what your going through and its tough.

I also am running a post on here called "what would you do" and im on the verge of leaving her which is why i have joined this site to try and get some support and advice just like yourself so your not the only one here.


I cant really tell you what to do as i dont know but i just stopped talking to people now just to keep the peace which i hate, so any advice would be good :)

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