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Proceeding from here...how?

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Hey all,


First post on this site, but a friend told me about it, and he said it's a great place to get some advice/opinions, so here goes!


So there's this girl that I've known for YEARS, in fact, we sort of grew up together since we were about 7-8 years old (same neighbourhood). Anyway, we're now 21 and 20 years old respectively, and we've been hanging out a bit more.


Recently, she went to China for a month on university exchange, and leading up to it, we didn't really hang out much because she was really busy with all of it.

Anyway, she got back a little while ago, and last week completed all her deferred exams, and when I asked her if she was attending an event we were both invited to, she said she couldn't because she was really tired from her last exam, but that we should catch up this weekend.


So I texted her asking if she'd like to do something on saturday night...she suggested a movie, I added dinner beforehand, all good.

We went to dinner, went to the movie, had a good time all around, laughed and got on really well.

When we were getting close to home, I asked her if she'd like to come inside for a bit (just to talk a bit longer, genuinely no ulterior motive here).

She said that she would love to, but she has to get up early in the morning, but that we should hang out more, and she had a good time.

I got a very affectionate hug both on meeting and parting.


So here's my problem.


I really, really like this girl, but I've had terrible experiences in the past with thinking girls were into me, when it turned out they had firmly placed me in the friend zone.


So what I would like to know is, does it sound like she's interested? I know the information is fairly vague, but from what I've said make what you will. I'm planning to wait til around Wednesday/Thursday then see if she wants to do something on Friday night, and perhaps go from there.


So just throwing it out there to see what you all think, or if you have any advice on how I can proceed!


Like I said, first time posting here, so I'm really looking forward to what your collective minds can come up with.



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I think it sounds positive, but not to rush things. Ask her for the date on Friday, and see how it goes:)

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