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Dear anyone hurting,

take the time to read this, i promise its worth it!


I just got dumped today! Isnt that exciting? Another one bites the dust, i know. Dont get me wrong, it sucks. Im so heart broken and i already balled my eyes out that i can no longer feel them in their sockets. My face still has mascara covered all over it, and i look like im about to go out for halloween. I love him, i really really do. And i had such high hopes for our relationship, we had friends we liked to go out with and we had plans for the rest of our summer. I thought hard about this, and instead of writing to anyone out there to give me advice i already know the answer too, i thought i would write to all of you hurting out there. I'll tell you one thing, its all going to be ok. Im talking about breakups, yes, but this can go to anyone in general too. Life sucks, i cant put it any other way. Its what you make of it.


I wont even tell you why i got dumped, or why it "ended" its not even important right now. This message is to anyone who feels they cannot move on. This was not my first relationship, its probably my fourth and it still hurts like hell. I promise anyone out there who is stuck at home right now feeling all alone and like nobody understands, that there are millions out there who can relate to you. People love you out in this world and dont even have a damn clue who you are. Its ok to be hurt, its ok to feel worthless at times, as long as you know in your heart of hearts that your going to feel better.


This message can go to anyone whos dealing with a breakup, the loss of a loved one, or just feeling depressed and not good enough to even be living. I know the thought "if i cant be happy why am i alive." Just think if you werent here to serve a purpose in this life, how different the world would be. Your family and close friends need you. Those are the people who will never let you down, despite having one friend and little to no family. I have a mom and an amazing sister and other then that, i dont really have anyone. I have an absent father whos a peice of sh*t. He has done nothing for me in this life at all. If you have a huge family and a million friends then your lucky, but sometimes all you need is one person to be there for you and love you. YOU ARE WORTH IT. Dont ever let anyone make you believe that you are not good enough. I struggle with those feelings all the time, i always feel im not skinny enough, my butts too big, i eat to much, i dont like my hair etc. SERIOUSLY PEOPLE. Thats WHO YOU ARE!!! You are the most amazing person ever! People change, i JUST discovered that today, and to be honest my hearts feelings hopeless right now. But im not giving up, im going to embrace my pain and thats what anyone out there should do too. People are so afraid to feel, and its totally understandable. We want to feel love, and joy, and happiness. We dont want to feel usless, and depressed and filled with sorrow. And its so much easier alot of the time to feel that way because its effortless. You need to create your own happiness, and you need to embrace that too.


Heres my honest advice though, get off your butt and love yourself. Im so sick and tired of feeling this way that maybe it will actually go away. The mind is such a powerful thing, try telling yourself how beautiful you are.


It can get annoying when people sit here and tell you "eat healthy, exercise, go out with friends etc." Thats all amazing advice, but sometimes thats just not whats gonna get you through. I know because i hear that alot of the time too. Sometimes you have to find the answer within yourself. Im so proud of myself for sitting here with a broken heart and being this strong. And trust me, if i can do it, so can you.


You were not put on this planet to sit on a cloud and be happy with a million other happy people and love eachother and soak up each others happiness. Yeah that sounds like a real nice idea sometimes, but thats not what the world is about. The world can be the most awful place. You hear stories of rape not just women, men too. You hear about the war and all the violence and it is depressing. We are all here for some reason, and i truly believe it takes a lifetime to discover what that reason may be. Pain today, is strength tomorrow.


Anything you are going through, any battle you are now facing it will get better. Remember everything gets better in the end, if it is not better, then its not the end. I dont know who said that quote, but i like it. There is so much in reality to be thankful for, even the smallest of things, sometimes its so hard to see it, but if you open your eyes to a world of opportunities you may seek what you need.


Something within me is telling me to do this. To be honest, i have no idea why and i have never done something like this before. I just feel the need to reach out to others, i feel the need to make someone feel better and appreciate themself, and by doing that i think thats what will truly help me become an even better person. Dont beat yourself up, your doing the best you can, its okay to feel sorry for yourself, it really is, and why shouldnt you? You have been through so much. Just dont let it take over your life, the past is the past, and its staying there for a reason. Its there to show you how to live the future properly.


Your not alone, your going to be ok. Im here with you too, and im hurting just like you too. Have faith in tomorrow. Really.



someone just like you.

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Nice post, thanks for writing :)

And you're right, everything you said.

It's early days for you, so take time to grieve if you need, but don't wallow like I did. It took me 6 or 7 months of sheer misery to pull myself out of it after my ex left (together 18 years), I needed time to grieve, but there came a time I felt I could stay in that pit indefinitely if I didn't make a conscious effort to pull myself out, so I did.

Yes life is what we make it, with the tools available to us.

Good luck to you :)

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