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My girlfriend likes to fondle my testicles when we make love. She gets real rough with them and I’m always telling her to be gentler. When she reaches climax, she often ends up squeezing them real hard. When it’s all over, my testicles are really sore. She says she doesn’t mean to hurt me but just gets lost in the passion of the moment. When I confided in a female friend of mine about this, she said I was being selfish. She said I should be willing to sacrifice a little for love. I’m just concerned that my girlfriend will do permanent damage to my testicles. Is that possible?

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you are darn tootin it could damage the crown jewels. and what kind of bitter, jilted woman would tell you that you are being selfish and that you should sacrifice for love? sacrifice a football game to attend the ballet, maybe, but hand over the crown jewels?


she hates men. she is either a closet lesbian or she's been jilted by a man who wouldn't let her play Buelah Ballbreaker. Drop that female friend with the fuzzball fetish like Whitney should drop Bobby Brown.

It's your perogative.


Search the internet for proof that Nancy Nutcrusher could damage the babies and show her.


If, after seeing proof that she could cause you to talk 6 octaves higher, she will not let go, the next time she is ready to scream, grab her hand and place it elsewhere. Maybe you can train her to squeeze something else like a nerf football. or the head of an old doll. Sure sounds like a good time to get into bondage - tie that babe up and give her a good double tittie twist when she is ready to rumble. of course she may like it.


Or just stop sex until she makes the effort that she really should make without you going into all that i have just said. Wait a minute - I am suggesting this to a straight man. It'll never happen.


Anyway, a partner should listen to you and respect your tenderoni's after one confession from you.... I would be so conscious of damaging the jewels that it would probably screw the whole session up until I got used to grabbing the nerf and not the babies. Maybe she just needs some time to get used to grabbing something else when she feels like the dam is gonna break.


I guess the idea of bringing in a third partner is not the best one either...


What you need is a nut substitute. I am sure all the sex masters reading this have an idea... let's hear 'em.

We got nut trouble. And it ain't nut-tin to joke about. I truly do not know the answer for you... but I do know what you are going through...


My partner did the same thing to me - he put the kung-fu grip on my Great Nuts one night after I had asked him not to, so I returned the favor the next night and made him see Bea Arthur. Never had a problem after that.


Obviously, this is not an option for you.


Good luck, and you must tell us how this saga turns out. I am sure all men feel your pain.

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Originally posted by tod_fly

My girlfriend likes to fondle my testicles when we make love. She gets real rough with them and I’m always telling her to be gentler. When she reaches climax, she often ends up squeezing them real hard. When it’s all over, my testicles are really sore. She says she doesn’t mean to hurt me but just gets lost in the passion of the moment. When I confided in a female friend of mine about this, she said I was being selfish. She said I should be willing to sacrifice a little for love. I’m just concerned that my girlfriend will do permanent damage to my testicles. Is that possible?



I *really* hope your female friend was joking. I'd love to know how she'd react if a man squeezed her breasts very hard while making passionate love. I'm sure she wouldn't be amused.


Your girlfriend is acting like an insensitive, selfish, immature b*tch.

I hope she is like this only when you two are in bed having sex and not in other aspects of the relationship.


In a lot of romance fiction you read about testicle squeezing, which is weird, because it looks like only guys in fiction enjoy it, while the idea gives the creeps to most real guys. perhaps your girlfriend was influenced by bed erotic fiction. Even if this was the case, she should have stopped when you told her she was hurting you.

If she did it one-even twice- without meaning it, it would be excusable, but it is NOT excusable now that tyou told her she is hurting you.


Perhaps your girlfriend has some sadistic fantasies, she likes to give pain while orgasming? There are girls who love to dig fingers in their partner's back, or bite them hard. All things that are okay ONLY if your partner likes them!


You should search for proof on the internet, like scottbsl suggested. Show her written proof from a reliable source that she could actually do some permanent damage to your 'jewels'.

But hey, in a *good* relationship you *shouldn't* need to bring her written proof!!!! Your telling her it is hurting you should be friggin' enough!!!!


Make sure she understand she should STOP squeezing your private parts without your consent. If it doesn't look like she fully understood that she must change her pathetic behaviour, refuse to have sex with her.


Or make sure that next time you have sex your testicles are out of reach. (find a suitable position, or tie her to the bed (if she's okay with it) or pin her arms to the bed when you are on top of her(again, if she's okay with it).


Ask her how she'd feel if you bit hard on her nipples, or squeezed hard her breasts, or pinched hard her clitoris while YOU were orgasming.

Mind that I'm NOT suggesting you actually do this sort of things!!!

I would not be sympathetic with her if you decided to give her tit for tat, but then, again, it would NOT be the right thing to do.


Or, again, dump her ass and find some girl who will respect you.



The 'I got lost in the passion of the moment' excuse might make sense the first time she does it, and should be followed by an apology.

If you can't control yourself and prevent from damaging your partner, then you shouldn't have sex.


If you were a woman writing about your male partner who squeezes your breasts and leaves them all sore, and risks to damage them, you'd be told that your partner is abusive, and you should leave him, and that you might end up seriously hurt. You would be told that your partner is an abusive dangerous jerk.

There should be no double standard here.

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Okay, let me get this straight, she outright REFUSES to stop wo-manhandling your tenderest of parts???? I can't believe that a woman would do that!! I think you should stop having sex with her until she gets the idea.


I personally don't understand why she would A. need to fondle them while she gets off, and B. how she could enjoy sex knowing that you were hurt by her VERY deliberate actions. That is wholly insensitive, and I hope that you know that (and I am going to be presumputous, and speak for the majority of us women) most women treat that area (hopefully) tenderly, and we actually tend to worry about being too rough.


I agree, she is being SELFISH!!! Get the woman a stress ball or something.

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