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I have been married for ten yrs now and have found out my wife has been getting more involved in Facebook. I found out she has been chatting with this guy from her wrk.. I mentioned the name of the guy and she got all defensive.. Followed me around the house like a puppy dod, trying to find out how I knew of the guy...I asked her to tell me the truth about anything in te past.. She said she had committed adultry by likeing a guy at here work years ago by saying she was really close but had no physical contact with him... I was pissed and she left the house and stayed with her sister.. While that time my cousin came over talking how I could improve my relationship with her...he knew more about my wife than he should have known.... So I looked at her phone record and he was called many many times.. Anyhow we got back together and my gut is killing me... I jokingly ask her about the past and she jokes back says yes I did cheat u got me...? So I say it must feel good to tell the truth and she becomes very affectionate and says just kidding..I asked her to stop talking to my cousin and she agreed.. A week later she was talking to him an lied about it five freaking times before she told me the truth. I don't know what to do... I asked to to swear on the bible and she lied doing that.. She will slip every once in awhile and say she didn't mean in it in that context. I thinking about counseling for myself because I don't know where to go with it.. I want to know the truth!!! And we will get through it.. Whenever I get a gut feeling about anything it's right.. I just can't get it out of her... Sry for the book but what should b the next step

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Your wife is playing word games with you. She jokingly tells you she cheated on you. She was telling you the truth but figured by saying it in a joking manner you would not believe it. I would spend $500 and get her to take a polygraph. The chances are she will get super defensive and tell you the truth before you actually have to do it.


From what you have written, if the roles were reversed do you honestly think she would be so accepting as you have been? It sounds like your wife has very little boundaries and it does not bother her to disrespect you. If you do not respect yourself then who will? Good luck.

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