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females, are you more intimidated to talk to better looking guys?


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Ruby Slippers

It's true. In my experience, the more physically attractive the man, the less caring and loving he is.


I admit that I have found that sexual skill also increases relative to physical attractiveness -- that is, the best-looking guys I've been with were generally the best in bed.


So, in my experience, hot guys tend to be great at sex, bad at love. Less good-looking guys are not as good at sex, but they are more loving and supportive.

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In answer to the original question, no I’m not intimidated to talk to very attractive men. I’m super excited to talk to them. I’m thrilled to see an attractive man in a sea of unattractive ones. Since there are so few where I live, I’ve been known to approach attractive men and start conversations (if they were already giving me signals they were interested).


Sometimes I get intimidated by extremely intelligent, successful, sophisticated men, but looks don’t play much of a role in this. I run into very few of these men though.

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Agree with Iris219. I'm more intimidated by those who I perceive to be intelligent, successful men, whether they are attractive or not.

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I'm a good looking female but goodlooking guys do intimidate me and make me feel insecure. As a result I prefer to date and approach more average looking guys and I also find they make better bf's as they don't have such big egos and I don't have to worry about other girls coming on to them as much or feeling like they think they can do better.

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I would say maybe a little but it's a lot more nervewracking if they are surronded by friends as opposed to by themselves. lol

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