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red panty hanging at the door knob at kitchen's door


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Hi, I am a man and having a girl friend (not girlfriend), we had dinner, wine and movie. My question: I noticed that there are a pair of red panty handing at the kitchen door's door knob. What did it mean? or it is just hanged their for no reason? It is a bit hard for me to read female, any advices or commons would be welcome.

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Open the door.


If there is a woman in there lacking panties it was a hint.


If there is no woman in their lacking panties it doesn`t mean anything.

Throw them in the laundry.

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Women sometimes don't dry the delicate things and therefor hang them to dry, that was probbly the case. There are undergarments hanging all over our apartment.

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what is the hints that she likes me more then friend?


She takes the panties she is wearing off and hangs them on the door knob while talking to you.. :laugh:


It would mean she wants to sleep with you and also would tell her roommate to go away that she is sleeping with someone :laugh:

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