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Girls how do you check out guys?

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So Until recently I used to not catch a lot of girls checking me out. So few weeks ago I was talking with a friend of mine and she asked me how often do I catch girls checking me out? I said Prob 6 or 7 times my entire life. She told me that was not possible and she asked me what I qualified as a girl checking me out? So I told her when a girl intensely stare at me or turn her head around to look at me. She told me that's a guys way of checking a girl out, and when a girl does it. It's much more subtle. She told me that girl will just quickly glance at you or she might just look at you from top to bottom once.


After my friend told me that I feel like a piece of meet lol. I feel like I am getting checked out by girls all the time. Having that said girls have always told me I am a good looking guy so, I don't lack the looks. So its possible I do get checked out that much. But I am curious girls how do you check out a guy?

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It depends lazereye. It depends on the setting, the kind of guy I'm checking out and the kind of mood I'm in. Examples:


If I'm at a bar with a group of friends and I see a good looking guy I tend to get him to make eye contact with me then flash him a flirty smile. Usually my girlfriends will also be checking him out for me and when this happens the guy being checked out has no doubt in his mind he's getting checked out ;)


If I am alone say at a store or in some other random setting and I see a good looking guy I will make it a point to walk by them while looking at them, and say a polite hello as I walk past (also give em a flirty smile and a little shake of my hips:D).


If I am with family or in a more conservative setting (i.e a work event) then all I do is look at them discreetly (and quickly) and if they happen to catch me looking their way I just smile as if I didn't mean to be staring (even though I most likely undressed them in my mind lol!).


Wow, actually thinking about this and writing it makes me realize that I am a pretty bold little vixen when it comes to checking out guys lol!

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Professor X

Awww, you feel like a piece of meet? You sad sad puppy, come here, let me attach you a pair of balls and a spine, you'll feel better after, I promise.



Can't believe I just read a guy saying that, lol.

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Better'n Outer Space

Wow, actually thinking about this and writing it makes me realize that I am a pretty bold little vixen when it comes to checking out guys lol!


Your method of sending ioi's are what every interested woman should try & mimic. This whole being aloof thing is just plain 'ol whacked imo.

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I'm pretty obvious when it comes to showing a guy I'm interested but that's just my personality. I don't see a point in being coy around someone I'm attracted to I mean what's the worst that could happen if they caught me checking them out?

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She likes you, ask her out.


HAHA!! I know she has a crush on me but I wont act on it, because she also one of my best friends GF.lol

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I have a lazy eye- so no one ever knows if I am looking at them or not. One eye is looking one way and the other is looking the other way- and it takes a second or so for one eye to catch up to the other when I'm checking someone out.


The only way I can truly let a guy know I am checking him out is to point at him so he knows it's him I'm checking out.



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